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11 votes

How to install fzf.vim with Vundle?

You've installed the fzf.vim wrapper plugin, but you haven't installed the base fzf plugin, which provides the underlying functionality, including the autoload functions that the error messages are ...
Rich's user avatar
  • 32.4k
5 votes

Why does `vim-plug` add the .vim file to .vim/autoload and not .vim/plugin?

Choosing between plugin/ and autoload/ is a matter of how a plugin designer intends the plugin to be used. vim-plug is intended to be placed in autoload/ because it is initialized through functions ...
Mass's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes

How can I list the plugins currently *active* when using VIM-Plug?

You can get all plugs from g:plugs_order list or g:plugs dict. g:plugs's value also contain useful config infomation about the plug. Like dir where the plug is installed. So, you can use: if has_key(...
SolaWing's user avatar
  • 166
5 votes

Detecting whether colorscheme is available

You could search the colorscheme file via the runtime path: let colorscheme="desert" if findfile("colors/" .colorscheme .".vim", &rtp) != "" execute "colorscheme " . colorscheme endif ...
Ralf's user avatar
  • 9,337
5 votes

Unable to conditionally test for presence of a plugin command & invoke it

The problem is, your vimrc file is executed before any plugins are loaded. You can check the order of what source files are loaded by issueing the :scriptnames command. The usual way to fix this ...
Christian Brabandt's user avatar
5 votes

Call plugin-defined function in .vimrc

All directories in your Vim runtimepath can have a directory called after which can contain directories like plugin and ftplugin but get sourced after the regular ol' plugin and ftplugin directories ...
Chris Heithoff's user avatar
4 votes

Order in runtimepath of Vim packages or similar plug-in managers

As I don't know where to find the "written" rules, I digged into the source code instead. Also note that there are both Vim and Neovim, but it looks that they still share almost the same code in this ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 21.3k
4 votes

Can you use plugins inside of your vimrc?

These lines define special remappings, so I think it makes sense that they are called on startup time and not via an autocmd. Note that there's a specific autocmd event which is essentially for "...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

VimPlug, Vim won't load plugins: E117: Unknown function : plug#begin;

Looks like you created the autoload directory (or ran the wget command to install vim-plug) under sudo. Running it under sudo will be bad because it will create files and directories that only root ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

Can I get vim-plug to skip installing a plugin, based on some Vimscript condition?

From the FAQ (prettier formatting there): Conditional activation Use plain "if" statement to conditionally activate plugins: if has('mac') Plug 'junegunn/vim-xmark' endif The caveat ...
Jacktose's user avatar
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4 votes

What's the correct way to install YouComplete using vim-plug in vim/nvim?

It's installed in the .vim/ dir, because of call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') try: call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged') Instead, as answered above
Ben Whitaker's user avatar
4 votes

How to install plugins into 2 different folders in ~/.vim directory

So your question has already been asked in vim-plug's issue tracker, see #905. @raindev said this (I changed the link to the code to not use master in case the code changes in the future): I don't ...
statox's user avatar
  • 50.4k
4 votes

How do I set a final size to a split in Vim?

First we need to resize a split window vertically :h :vertical-resize tells us that from the command line mode we can use :vertical resize 50 Or we could also use :50wincmd | but I find that less ...
statox's user avatar
  • 50.4k
4 votes

How can we know if we can install a plugin on both Vim and Neovim?

Most plugins are compatible for both Vim and Neovim. I'm not aware of any popular plugins that is Vim compatible and not Neovim compatible. Neovim has a more rich Lua binding and some plugins make use ...
Vivian De Smedt's user avatar
3 votes

Sourcing (a very tiny) vimrc changes iskeyword

The effect you're seeing is due to the set nocompatible command resetting many other options, 'iskeyword' included. From :help 'nocompatible': This is a special kind of option, because when it's set ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

Dracula theme not recognized in init.vim

A brief word on how vim-plug works... The main part of a plugin config is a path on GitHub. In your case dracula/vim refers to What vim-plug needs to do, then, is ...
B Layer's user avatar
  • 20k
3 votes

Neovim: plugins installed but not working

My guess is that you haven't activated the plug-ins. In the rainbow case you should add let g:rainbow_active = 1 to your init file (Neovim's one is located in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim). In case of ...
Tae's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I remove vim-plug, so I can migrate to Packer?

With vim, vim-plug is installed in ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim* With neovim vim-plug is installed in ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim* Simply removing those file will stop it from loading. ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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2 votes

VimPlug unknown function plug#begin in NeoVim

For whatever reason it doesn't seem to see VimPlug with the first symbolic link I had in my post. This is the only plugin I couldn't get to work in neovim with it. So instead of making a symbolic ...
PrimRock's user avatar
  • 363
2 votes

Why won't vim-plug install my plugins? [typo]

@P1h3r1e3d13 Please try the following configuration For .vim.plug: " ============================================================================= " Plugin Manager Setup " ===========================...
byaruhaf's user avatar
  • 786
2 votes

Nvim +UpdateRemotePlugin +qall gives me error: Abort trap 6

I solved the problem by running :PlugUpgrade; now my plugins that I use work. It bugged me mainly because fireNvim stopped working in the web browser. The ruby thing still persists but it is probably ...
molleweide's user avatar
2 votes

vim-plug: install plugins on startup not working properly on Ubuntu

Checking the output of filter helped diagnose the problem, my vimrc also contained the following line: " If installed using Homebrew Plug '/usr/local/opt/fzf' which referred to a program (fzf) that ...
Paul Roever's user avatar
2 votes

Can using Vim-plug and Vundle together cause any issues in downloaded plugins?

In theory you could give the same path to both plugins managers so that they install the plugins in the same directory: vim-plug call plug#begin('/path/to/your/plugins') vundle call vundle#begin('/...
statox's user avatar
  • 50.4k
2 votes

What are suggested ways to modify a plugin that was installed by vim-plug?

If you installed the plugin with vim-plug, then all the files from the plugin will be located at ~/.vim/plugged/<NAME>. You can just modify these files, and test the changes (re-source the ...
Jakube's user avatar
  • 435
2 votes

Call plugin-defined function in .vimrc

If you look at :h starting, you'll see that plugin files are sourced after .vimrc is entirely processed. Functions defined in autoload plugin files could be used directly as long as the 'runtimepath' ...
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1 vote

VimPlug#begin in both vimrc and init.vim?

You can only call plug#begin() and plug#end() once, so no this will not work. You can define all your plug-ins from the same place (such as the vimrc file) and use a conditional to detect whether you'...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
1 vote

Can vim-plug write plugin settings directly to .vimrc?

That's an interesting question! To my knowledge, there is no option to do so. I think it's better to let the user chose his own mapping to avoid collisions. This is the reason why some plugins use <...
Fabrice Hategekimana's user avatar
1 vote

Same plugins for every .vimrc file (vim-plug)

Set nocompatible When you use a separate vimrc through the -u command-line flag, the nocompatible option will not be automatically set, as it is when using the normal user vimrc file. See :help ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
1 vote

Plugin management on Windows?

I cleaned out the installation and pulled the zip of vim-plug. Extracted the files into the autoload folder in vim82. Before I used the powershell solution. After that I made a custom plugin folder ...
GreatGaja's user avatar
  • 156
1 vote

Vim-Plug: Can't install plugins. Invalid plug directory

As posted in the comments: You have a file where vim-plug wants to create a directory Create a back up and get it out of the way: mv ~/.vim/plugged ~/.vim/plugged.bak Then try again. Also make ...

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