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110 votes

What is the Vim8 package feature and how should I use it?

First of all, the relevant documentation can be found with :h packages on the newly compiled Vim8 version and here on Github. A first important note is about the vocabulary: In Vim8 a package is ...
statox's user avatar
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43 votes

How do I install a plugin in Vim/vi?

Vim 8+ / Neovim Version 8 introduces a new packages mechanism that largely replaces the need for existing plugin managers (pathogen, vim-plug, vundle, etc.) at the time of writing (2017). From the ...
Michael Kropat's user avatar
29 votes

How to patch add in Fugitive plugin?

Short Answer Just use the normal interactive buttons. In (regular) vim, pressing p drops you into the interactive terminal patch, so it's the interface you're used to. For neovim users: Just enter ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.3k
25 votes

How to see if a plugin is active

How can I determine if a filetype plugin (such as vim-latexsuite) has been installed You could use :scriptnames which list all sourced files. Another option is to check for the variable indicating ...
mMontu's user avatar
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23 votes

What is the Vim8 package feature and how should I use it?

The answer provided by @statox is very descriptive, but for a new user that can be overwhelming. Instead I want to outline what you need to do in step-by-step pointers. Create pack/*/start directory ...
3N4N's user avatar
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19 votes

vim hangs when I open a typescript file

tldr; Add set re=2 into .vimrc prevents the issue on mac. I'm not sure why.
mrjarone's user avatar
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15 votes

What is the Vim8 package feature and how should I use it?

To expand on the "can it replace plugin managers", I used to use Vundle, which was fantastic, but now have replaced it with 18 or so lines of bash. I find it useful to use subfolders in the pack ...
Cam's user avatar
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13 votes

How to patch add in Fugitive plugin?

Here's another way to do it, all within fugitive. I believe some of this is new with the 3.0 release on Aug 20, 2019. Someone had created a "What's New?" video, which I sadly can't find now. ...
Phil R's user avatar
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12 votes

how to load vim8 optional packages in vimrc?

how to load vim8 optional packages in vimrc? The way to load vim8 optional packages in your vimrc is to use the :packadd! command, which will add them to your 'runtimepath', which will make the opt ...
filbranden's user avatar
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11 votes

vim hangs when I open a typescript file

From :help 're': *'regexpengine'* *'re'* 'regexpengine' 're' number (default 0) global This selects the default regexp engine. |two-engines| The possible ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.3k
10 votes

How to see if a plugin is active

One way is to do a regex search on runtimepath: if match(&runtimepath, 'MY-PLUGIN') != -1 " ... endif If you're using vim-plug, here's a general purpose method to check: function! ...
Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar
10 votes

Plugin help files not found

you have to create the help-tags. Run :helptags for the dir where you installed the docs. On unix this would most likely be :helptags ~/.vim/doc. Or simply recreate them all with :helptags ALL
Naumann's user avatar
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10 votes

Easiest way to insert LaTeX matrix?

Honza's UltiSnips Snippet gentbl<number>x<number> available in the repository Using this snippet which uses the ...
Hotschke's user avatar
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10 votes

Auto back-indent word 'else' in if/else statement in Vim

Let's start from the beginning. There are quite a few (local to buffer) options in Vim to work with indenting. autoindent is the most basic setting; it simply makes a new line to have an equivalent ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 21.3k
9 votes

Drawbacks of using Python to develop new code in a VIM plugin

TL;DR: Requiring +python/+python3 support for a python based development plugin. That sounds completely reasonable. About Vim plugins and human behavior Generally, speaking humans want things to ...
Peter Rincker's user avatar
8 votes

How do I install a .vimball Plugin?

:UseVimball path instead of :so [name].vba for vim8-packages/dein/vim-plug/minpac If you use vim8 pack paths or a plugin manager which supports local plugins (e.g. dein or vim-plug), you might want ...
Hotschke's user avatar
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8 votes

How to see if a plugin is active

If you use vim-plug, it sets a variable called plugs which lists all your loaded plugins, and some information about them. I solved your question for myself when I needed to check whether I was ...
Max Coplan's user avatar
8 votes

How to identify all the loaded ftplugins for the current file?

I don't know of a direct way to get a list of only the things loaded for the current buffer based on filetype, but :scriptnames will list everything that's been loaded, including system/default ...
Jim Stewart's user avatar
8 votes

Why do plugins check v:version < 700?

v:version specifies your current version of Vim. Version 7.0 has version 700, 7.2 has version 702, etc. Now, version 7 was a very major release with many enhancements to the previous release 6, that ...
Christian Brabandt's user avatar
8 votes

How to customize colorschemes without editing their source files?

The AfterColors plug-in (GitHub mirror) provides an after-directory auto-loading mechanism for color schemes. This can however be easily achieved in modern Vim by using the ColorScheme autocommand ...
PiCTo's user avatar
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7 votes

How to update vim plugins with pathogen package manager?

pathogen manages the run time path of Vim. It is not the same as vim-plug nor vundle. The differences between the vim plugin managers has many good answers. :-) How to use Tim Pope's Pathogen ...
StandardEyre's user avatar
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7 votes

How to see if a plugin is active

Vim plugins don't come with any activation indication, and in a proper setup, this isn't necessary. You can quickly check whether a plugin is active by querying for its side effects, typically ...
Ingo Karkat's user avatar
7 votes

Call function only when the plugin is loaded

Rather than have my ~/.vimrc load a plugin ahead of when it would normally be loaded, I usually solve this problem in one of two ways. Call the function in a ~/.vimrc/after/plugin/MyPlugin.vim file. ...
garyjohn's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are inclusion guards used in vim plugins?

It allows the user to disable a specific plugin. See :h use-cpo-save, and search for NOT LOADING: NOT LOADING It's possible that a user doesn't always want to load this plugin. Or the ...
user938271's user avatar
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6 votes

How to update vim plugins with pathogen package manager?

Pathogen is not a plugin manager at all. Updating your plugins is your job and the best method depends entirely on how you installed those plugins. If you want an actual plugin manager, try Neobundle,...
romainl's user avatar
  • 41.8k
6 votes

Gundo plugin requires python 2.4 when version 2.7 is installed

Add this to your .vimrc if has('python3') let g:gundo_prefer_python3 = 1 endif I was getting similar error. The above worked for me (I am using Manjaro Linux, and installed community/python-...
Brij's user avatar
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6 votes

Can't get deoplete plugin working in Neovim

Vim uses Ctrl-n (next item) and Ctrl-p (previous item), Ctrl-y (accept match) or Ctrl-e (cancel) and so on for completion. See :h ins-completion-menu and :h popupmenu-keys for details. The following ...
VanLaser's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the current 'best practice' for persistent preferences for a plugin?

One way to do it is to have your plugin define a global variable storing the path to that specific "persistent settings/enabled filters" file. This is similar to how various plugins that have to '...
VanLaser's user avatar
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6 votes

How to see if a plugin is active

In that particular case, I'd only play with :scriptnames. We can't expect to use a global variable to check whether a ftplugin has been loaded -- LaTeXSuite may have plugins, I don't remember, what is ...
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
  • 17.7k
6 votes

How an autoload/file.vim is loaded?

autoload plugins are sourced: either when we source them explicitly (like in :runtime autoload/fakeclip.vim) or when we call a function that starts in foo#bar#whatever(), it'll source autoload/foo/...
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
  • 17.7k

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