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25 votes

BufWinLeave * mkview with unnamed file: Error 32

Switching to ?* as the regex will no longer match empty file names. I actually recommend you switch to the following, which is a corresponding block of .vimrc that has been tweaked to suppress many of ...
kevinlawler's user avatar
8 votes

In Linux, on an extremely long running vim session, calls to system() fail with E484 "can't open file /tmp/<tempfile>"

This happens when some system cron job cleans out "unused" files from /tmp. The solutions are: Find that cron job and stop it from rm'ing your Vim /tmp files. Recreate Vim's temporary directory. ...
garyjohn's user avatar
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8 votes

When should a function *not* be defined with "abort"

Discl.: It's just guessing on my part. abort didn't exist when function was introduced. I guess that in order to not break existing code it was decided to not change the current behaviour and to ...
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
  • 17.7k
7 votes

Print an error message without "Error detected while processing function"

The solution is described in the manual: If you just want a highlighted message use :echohl. And to get a beep: :exe "normal \<Esc>" Thus: function! PrintError(msg) abort execute '...
Sato Katsura's user avatar
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7 votes

Why do I get an E488 error when printf .vimrc?

# is not a comment character, " is. So it should read: " Funcionar como vim y no como vi set nocompatible " Colorear sintaxis syntax on colorscheme sienna " Otros seteos " Más info, desde vim poner:...
Martin Tournoij's user avatar
6 votes

How can I suppress startup error E575?

Check your init.vim. If there is any line concerning viminfo, temporarily remove/comment it, you can later discover the reason it messed up. Then backup and remove ~/.local/share/nvim/shada folder. ...
3N4N's user avatar
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5 votes

What does `<Bar>` mean?

I'd like to add that in normal mode, the | command (which has to be substituted with <bar>, \| or ^V| while remapping it, as mentioned in other answers) allows you to go to a specific screen ...
ha7ilm's user avatar
  • 151
5 votes

Copy vim messages into clipboard

You can typically see the error messages produced by plug-ins using the :messages command. If you'd like to put those messages into a Vim buffer, so that you can copy them to the clipboard from there, ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

Don't fail if pattern is not found

Here's a mapping that won't change the last search register or print errors: nnoremap <expr> ]m filter([search('pattern', 'nW'), line('.')], 'v:val')[0].'G' filter() takes a list of items and ...
Tommy A's user avatar
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4 votes

Delay with remapped q

This happens because Vim waits to see if you want to do q<letter> to start recording a macro (there are a couple other things too like q:). You can use the tm option to change the amount it ...
Amit Gold's user avatar
  • 216
4 votes

Why do I get "incompatible error" while opening .sh files using vi in cygwin?

The option name is nocompatible. Replace incompatible with nocompatible to solve your problem.
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.3k
4 votes

Difference between make and make!

This is happening because while :make! doesn't jump to the first error message, it actually sets the quickfix cursor at it. So when you use :cnext it will actually try to go to the second error, which ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

List files if there are too many of them

Completion Use <tab> to complete a filename. If you know there are going to be many candidates then you can use <c-d> to list out the candidates. May want to look into 'wildmenu' & '...
Peter Rincker's user avatar
3 votes

`E575: viminfo: Illegal starting char in line: ...` on startup

To solve this: rm ~/.viminfo vim ~/.viminfo # new file, leave it blank, then just wq. source terminal et voila
Eric Y's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

`E575: viminfo: Illegal starting char in line: ...` on startup

For me, this problem keeps showing up even if I delete the ~/.viminfo file - not right away, but a couple of days later. I just noticed there's a way to skip using the viminfo file entirely, as ...
Brad Parks's user avatar
3 votes

Why do mappings abort on errors?

This is documented under :help map-error: Note that when an error is encountered (that causes an error message or beep) the rest of the mapping is not executed. This is Vi-compatible. Regarding ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

Gvim throws the error 'E285: Failed to create input context'

I had the same problem when starting gvim from a shell script. Looking at the code vim ignores the fact that creating this context failed. It is just annoying the users with this message except when ...
user141389's user avatar
3 votes

Error in editing vimrc

Probably you don't have local user .vimrc. $MYVIMRC is pointed to the one that was used to initialize your vim. If there is no user .vimrc it would be system-wide one and usually you would have to ...
Maxim Kim's user avatar
  • 13.8k
3 votes

Gvim E370: cannot load library python36.dll with installed Python 3.8

Is it possible to force Gvim to use python38.dll or it should be recompiled with python 3.8? Probably if I install the Python3.6 it will work. Is it necessary to recomile every time there is new ...
Maxim Kim's user avatar
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3 votes

gvim: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

I found the answer starting here and ending here: export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 The latter linked page refers to this as a hack. Since it seems to be a Gnome thing, and I don't use Gnome on the system where ...
user2153235's user avatar
3 votes

Neovim Lua: Error while calling lua chunk [...] '' expected near 'local'

In my case this was because I had this in my file, return require('packer').startup(function() -- stuff end) And then after that I had let on_attach = function(client, bufnr) ... end And that ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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3 votes

Neovim E276 - Command works in Vim but not in Neovim

In VimScript the function composition can be written in two ways, either "traditional" g(f(x)), or "method" notation f(x)->g(). However, the latter one must be defined by ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 21.3k
3 votes

Error when using vim-plug from git-bash

As pointed out by romainl in the comments, you have two versions of Vim installed: Vim 9.0 with GUI for Windows you probably installed yourself Vim 8.2 without GUI that came on top of git-bash (on a ...
Friedrich's user avatar
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2 votes

How to not display a certain error

you can use a custom command, if :sil norm! n is too much to type in interactive mode: :com! :Nextmatch :sil :norm n :nnoremap <silent> n :Nextmatch<cr>
Christian Brabandt's user avatar
2 votes

Find file for given line number when given an error

Is the error in Searching for "/Users/thermatix/.vim/after/syntax/syncolor.vim"? Can't be because there is no after folder. Actually the problem may be that some plugin expects the folder to ...
mMontu's user avatar
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2 votes

Vim Latex Suite, suppress viewer errors

This is a shell command run with :silent! !okular [..] in the Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX() function (ftplugin/latex-suite/compiler.vim). It looks like okular is printing some text to stdout or stderr – ...
Martin Tournoij's user avatar
2 votes

Error detected while processing grammarous.vim: E117: Unknown function

The .vim/plugin directory is not where you want to unpack your plug-ins! (Yes, I known the name would suggest so...) If you want to use Vim 8 packages (which I believe you do), then you should unpack ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
2 votes

Can't exit buffer using leader mapping - 'cannot make changes'

The problem is with the = in your command. It's being taken as part of the expansion for the mapping. That's triggering the = command, which typically reformats a block of code. Since you have a ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.6k
2 votes

How to ignore or silence errors in operator-pending mappings?

One option would be not to include the h in the mapping if you're on the first column: onoremap <expr> a$ col('.') == 1 ? "f$" : ":<C-U>normal! hEF$v,<CR>" N.B. I'm not 100% clear ...
Rich's user avatar
  • 32.4k

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