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How can I have syntax (e.g. Statement) inside PreProc inherit PreProc's background?

Syntax items can not inherit attributes from parent group, unless intentionally defined as :h :syn-transparent. So, no, you can't.
Matt's user avatar
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Popup menu highlight issues when it is called for the second time

If you're about current line highlight, this might be the issue with default bundled colorschemes. In short, some of the default colorschemes, for example, koehler define PopupSelected highlight group,...
Maxim Kim's user avatar
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Save colorscheme in session file

Catch SessionWritePost and append any command(s) you need. augroup foobar | au! autocmd SessionWritePost * \ call writefile(['colorscheme ' .. get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default')], v:...
Matt's user avatar
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Change background color for cursorline and cursorcolumn

Not the answer you may want to hear, but: use a different colorscheme. This is for several reasons which I will explain below. And don't get me wrong, I like Solarized and I was using it for many ...
Friedrich's user avatar
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Change background color for cursorline and cursorcolumn

You can control the background color of the core of the screen by adapting the Normal highlighting group. To set it to black you could do: highlight Normal guibg=#000000 ctermbg=0
Vivian De Smedt's user avatar
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Disbable color scheme in neovim

Neovim 0.10 introduced a new default colorscheme. You can still access the old color scheme under the name vim. In order to configure that in your initialization files, you can use the following in ...
filbranden's user avatar
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