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gVim is the GUI version of Vim (opposed to Vim running in a terminal emulator). It behaves exactly the same, but has additional graphical features.

2 votes

Delete repeating string in gvim

If available, :%!uniq is the easiest answer. If you don't mind sorting, :sort u is nice. The long way uses only builtins: :let lines = getline(1, '$')->uniq() :%delete :call setline(1, lines)
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
1 vote

Remove ^H from gvim

Since the OP is dealing directly with manpages, I suggest :runtime plugin/man.vim (Which can be put in startup files), followed by :Man command Also see help MANPAGER
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
2 votes

What control character is ^\ in the buffer in a file open in vim?

If it is indeed a single character, it’s likely to be <C-\>. You can use ga to get the ascii, octal, etc., versions. For grep(1), most shells (my bash, at least) will let you input literals with <C-v …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
0 votes

Closing the "list of files in a directory" when having Vim to open the directory

That “buffer” is netrw. It notoriously has this issue, although in practice it’s not a huge deal. I tend to swap files by name or argument list (:args) more often than cycling through buffers. In ot …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
6 votes

tell vim to add default extention to word under my cursor before opening file

To quote the help: *gf* *E446* *E447* [count]gf Edit the file whose name is under or after the cursor. Mnemonic: "goto file". Uses the 'isfna …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
3 votes

How to handle a drag & drop event in vim in order to paste the file path instead of opening it

According to :help drag-n-drop and :help :drop, it doesn't seem like this behavior is change-able. The help also says If Vim happens to be editing a command line, the names of the dropped files and …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
1 vote

Need to run PlugInstall on each open

From Hotschke in the comments: Please read :help load-plugins: In step (4) basically :runtime! plugin/**/*.vim happens which is before your gvimrc is sourced (step (8)) and runtimepath has been ch …
1 vote

gvim editor -- E488 Trailing characters after search and replace questions

The syntax of :substitute is :[range]substitute/pattern/replacement/[flags] (Although / can actually be any character, which is helpful for when the pattern contains slashes.) Notice that the deli …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
1 vote

Vsplit in resized GUI Window in .vimrc

I don't know exactly what causes this, but I would try the following workarounds if it's important to you to setup the splits on startup (it usually isn't for me—I either have a session with saved lay …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
2 votes

Syntax Match PLSQL Label

You don't need to use a character class around <, and you should probably not use a greedy .* match (would break on <<Label1>> <<Label1>>). This worked for me: syntax match PLS_label "<<[^>]\+>>" (th …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
1 vote

Error detected while processing BufRead Autocommands

The mailing list discussion confirmed a bug in the abaqus.vim ftplugin, which has since been patched. Options for the current user are (according to lacygoill on the mailing list): Wait for the next …
4 votes

Settings for the font in .vimrc are not working

Since font is specific to the GUI versions of vim (i.e. gvim and macvim), you need to should put the set guifont=... line in your gvimrc. …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
2 votes

How to show tabs normally when 'set list'?

One slightly hacky workaround that I’m not entirely satisfied with is to use the space character for listchars tab: execute 'set listchars+=tab: ' (Note that there are 2 spaces; the first characte …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
2 votes

Can vim/gvim save settings (e.g. spell check on/off) for individual files?

You can use views if viewoptions contains options or localoptions, but views are really meant to store window information (which happens to include the current buffer). Sessions similarly are more ab …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
2 votes

Abort background process

Ctrl-\ (SIGQUIT) works in most unix terminals I’ve used and is more forceful than Ctrl-c (SIGINT). Try it when a program is misbehaving (but be careful hammering it in a nested context, where you mig …
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k

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