**Important note** As I mentioned it in the comments when you begin to use Vim the best you can do is to start with an emtpy `.vimrc`. From this you'll be able to build your own configuration which really suits your needs.

There are a [lot](https://pragprog.com/book/dnvim/practical-vim) [of](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/) [resources](http://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/63/how-can-a-complete-beginner-learn-vim-using-just-vim-itself) to help you beginning with Vim.

So **don't copy stuff you don't understand in your `.vimrc`** it I'll only cause trouble and lot of hard debugging time.

Also @Carpetsmoker did a great guide about [how to debug your `.vimrc`](http://vi.stackexchange.com/q/2003/1841). You'll need it, trust me ;-)


**Now about your particular problem**

You have an error `E334: Menu not found: Window.Minimize`. Conveniently Vim has a great help system so just type [`:h E334`](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/gui.html#E334) to get an idea of what your problem comes from.

Here it is related to the settings of the menus in your GUI. If you scrolldown in the help page you'll see mentions of `aunmenu` and `guioptions` options.

In your `.vimrc` the lines 45 and 46 use these options to remove the help menu and the window menu in all modes. Then you know that these lines are creating a problem.