To get the highlight group that a group links to, you can use this function:

function! GetLinkTarget(group)
    let l:groupID = hlID(a:group)
    " Get the group this highlight group links to
    let l:linkedGroupID = synIDtrans(l:groupID)
    let l:linkedGroupName = synIDattr(l:linkedGroupID, 'name')
    echom a:group . " → " . l:linkedGroupName

Example usage:

    :call GetLinkTarget("vim9Comment")


    vim9Comment → Comment



1. [`hlID`]( gets the ID of the highlight group whose linked to highlight group we want to find out.
2. [`synIDtrans(l:groupID)`]( gets the ID of the linked to group.
3. [`synIDattr(l:linkedGroupID, 'name')`]( translates the ID of the linked to group to its name.