Below is an excerpt from my `~/.vimrc`, which I implemented following the very good "remap nothing" idea from the already [existing answer][1] provided by @the_velour_fog.  I improved the idea and the implementation further to be almost something like "change nothing"; just hit <kbd>'</kbd> or <kbd>`</kbd> as usual, and you'll get the list to select a mark from, but nothing else actually changes.

Here's the vimscript code:

" Display a list of marks and allow their easy selection, without
" remapping any keys or changing the original vim behavior, down
" to the error messages produced for unknown marks
function ListSelect(command, jump)
  execute a:command
  echohl Question
  echo "Enter mark (ESC to cancel): "
  echohl NONE
  let mark = nr2char(getchar())
  if mark !=# "\e"
      execute "normal! g" .. a:jump .. mark
      echohl ErrorMsg
      echo substitute(v:exception, "^Vim(.*):", "", "")
      echohl NONE

nnoremap <silent> ' :call ListSelect("marks", "'")<CR>
nnoremap <silent> ` :call ListSelect("marks", "`")<CR>

As visible in the vimscript code, this version retains the ability to use <kbd>Esc</kbd> to cancel the whole operation, and still produces the same `E20: Mark not set` and `E78: Unknown mark` error messages, without throwing any "executing function failed" errors at the user. 

This version also produces a prompt message that looks just like all such messages produced by `vim` itself, furthering the "change nothing" approach.
