I'm trying to use NeoVim as a tmux replacement, and have found that no matter what I do, I can't get it to go into insert mode when I click in a pane that has a terminal in it.

Here's the config I'm trying to use, with no luck.
Currently the config lets me navigate between panes, and when I enter the pane using the keyboard it switches to insert mode.

But when I enter the pane by clicking the mouse, it goes back to normal mode, which I almost never want.

### ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
set mouse=a

if has('nvim')
    autocmd TermOpen term://* startinsert
    autocmd TermEnter term://* startinsert
    autocmd BufEnter term://* startinsert

" Edit files within Nvim's terminal without nesting sessions.
augroup prevent_nested_edit
  autocmd VimEnter * if !empty($NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS) && $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS !=# v:servername
          \ |let g:r=jobstart(['nc', '-U', $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS],{'rpc':v:true})
          \ |let g:f=fnameescape(expand('%:p'))
          \ |noau bwipe
          \ |call rpcrequest(g:r, "nvim_command", "edit ".g:f)
          \ |call rpcrequest(g:r, "nvim_command", "call lib#SetNumberDisplay(1)")
          \ |qa
          \ |endif
augroup END


NOTE: I have found very similar questions, but they don't seem to work for when I "click" in the terminal - they work for navigating into the terminal pane with the keyboard:
