Goal: Select multiple words, one at a time, then replace them all.

[![visual studio feature select and replace][1]][1]

I'm new to Vim, I come from Visual Studio. I would like to achieve one important feature that helped me a lot in my productivity: Select multiple words, one at a time, and then replace them all.

I know there is a Vim way of selecting and replacing using:

:% s/target-word/replacement/gc

But as you can see it's still a lot to write compared to its counterpart in VS.Code. Could someone help me with a vim script or a plugin to achive this in the most similar way?

- imagine that I already have selected the word with `viw`, for example.
- then I want to have a single command to select the next match.
- then start writing and see those changes written in real-time or after hitting Esc.

Thanks for any guidance on this.


[1]: https://i.sstatic.net/hMq4F.gif