I am failing to map <kbd>Command+T</kbd>, <kbd>Command+[</kbd> and <kbd>Command+]</kbd> keys in Neovim under macOS / Alacritty.

I've reduced my Alacritty to be minimal:

  TERM: xterm-256color
  size: 16
  - {key: T,        mods: Command, chars: "\×80\xfc\x80t"}
  - {key: LBracket, mods: Command, chars: "\×80\xfc\×80["}
  - {key: Bracket,  mods: Command, chars: "\×80\xfc\×80]"}

And also Neovim's:

vim.kevmap.set('n', '<D-t>', vim.cmd.tabnew)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<D-[>', vim.cmd.tabprevious)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<D-]>', vim.cmd.tabnext)

1. I went to `nvim`,
2. entered the following command,

    echo "\<D-t>"

3. got an output:


4. used the output to add a binding in Alacritty:

    - { key: T, mods: Command, chars: "\x80\xfc\x80t" }

What am I doing wrong?

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/bOXAA.png