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Add signcolumn solution
Jake Grossman
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You cannot. From :h 'number' (emphasis mine):

Print the line number in front of each line

You can only enable number or relativenumber for the whole window.


:help 'number'
:help 'relativenumber'


In Vim, this isn't feasible because 'signcolumn' has a max width of 2 characters. However, if you're using NeoVim, it can be feasibly done because the 'signcolumn' options supports a width of up to 9, so unless you're editing files with > 1 billion lines, there is enough space for line numbers.

This might be easier done in Lua (I don't know, I've never written a Lua plugin for Nvim), but here is a solution in Vimscript. No guarantees about performance or "correctness" (it's kind of just thrown together), but it appears to work, let me know if I've missed some bug (spoiler for brevity):

let g:custom_number_delimiter='##'
let s:sign_id=500 " script level variable of current sign ID

function! number#get_section_lines() abort
    " save cursor pos to restore
    let l:cursor_pos=[line('.'), col('.')]

    " Get line number by:
    " 1. :g/re/p for start of sections
    " 2. split output of :g/re/p into List
    " 3. isolate line numbers from output
    let l:section_start_lnums=number#isolate_lnums(split(execute('g/' . g:custom_number_delimiter . '.\+' . g:custom_number_delimiter . '/p#'), "\n"))

    " no matches
    if len(l:section_start_lnums) == 0
        return []

    " restore cursor pos (:g/re/p moves to last match, be nice and put it back)
    call cursor(cursor_pos)

    " build list of ranges in the format [[range_start_line, range_end_line], ...]
    let l:prev_lnum=-1
    let l:curr_lnum=-1
    let l:sections=[]
    for lnum in l:section_start_lnums
        let l:prev_lnum=l:curr_lnum
        let l:curr_lnum=lnum

        if l:prev_lnum != -1
            call add(l:sections, [l:prev_lnum, l:curr_lnum-1])

    " logically, final section extends to end of file
    call add(l:sections, [l:curr_lnum, line('$')])

    return l:sections

" gradually trim line until only the line number remains
function! number#isolate_lnums(section_lines) abort
    if a:section_lines[0] =~ "Pattern not found"
        return []

    let l:lnums=[]
    for section_line in a:section_lines
        " trim trailing characters
        let l:lnum = substitute(section_line, '^\s\+\d\+\zs.*', '', '')

        " trim excess whitespace
        let l:lnum = substitute(l:lnum, '\s', '', 'g')

        call add(l:lnums, str2nr(l:lnum))

    return l:lnums

" define more signs, if needed
" note: doesn't abort on error
function! number#define_signs(sections)
    let l:biggest_diff=-1
    for section in a:sections
        let l:curr_diff=section[1]-section[0]
        let l:biggest_diff=l:curr_diff > l:biggest_diff ? l:curr_diff : l:biggest_diff

    for i in range(l:biggest_diff+1)
        " fail silently when lnum is >= 100 in Vim
        " In NeoVim use :h 'signcolumn' and :h 'number' accordingly
        exec 'silent! sign define Lnum' . i . ' texthl=LineNr text=' . i

" place signs in buffer
" note: doesn't abort on error
function! number#place_signs(sections)
    " clear all of our signs for current buffer
    exec 'sign unplace * group=CustomNumber buffer=' . bufnr()

    " no matches
    if len(a:sections) == 0

    " define signs, if needed
    call number#define_signs(a:sections)

    for section in a:sections
        let l:custom_lnum=0
        for lnum in range(section[0], section[1])
            exec 'silent! sign place ' . s:sign_id . ' line=' . lnum . ' name=Lnum' . l:custom_lnum . ' group=CustomNumber buffer=' . bufnr()
            let l:custom_lnum+=1
            let s:sign_id+=1

augroup CustomNumber
    autocmd BufEnter,BufNew,TextChanged,TextChangedI,TextChangedP * call number#place_signs(number#get_section_lines())
augroup END

And here is what that looks like in Vim:

example picture


:h 'signcolumn'
:h :sign
:h :sign-define
:h :sign-place
:h :sign-unplace
Jake Grossman
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