I think you should use the function as below:

    function! BenIndent()
      let oldLine=line('.')
      normal! gg=G
      execute ':' . oldLine
    nnoremap -- :call BenIndent()<CR>

Should work now I think.

Here's what I changed from your function:

    fun -> function! BenIndent()  " I've just always known functions to be declared this way, I may be wrong
      let oldLine=line('.')
      normal -> normal! gg=G      " the ! sign tells vim to not remap the provided keys, e.g. if you map g to :q then vim would quit when indenting!
      execute ':' . oldLine
    endfun -> endfunction         " just my convention
    map -> nnoremap -- :call BenIndent()<CR> " the ! sign tells vim to not remap the provided keys
prefix of `->` is your code and suffix is mine.