I do not know if this question should be asked here or not. In almost every language, malware exists. Is the same also applicable for `vimscript`? Suppose `vim` is running with high system privileges, is there any possibility that a new `vim` user could ruin up his/her system by using plugin or nice looking `vimrc` file (i.e., so-called malicious scripts in other scripting languages)? What are the measures that new user takes care of before running unknown script files? I know that disabling scripts is a obvious solution to that. But there are really some good number of plugins exists over there, are quite useful, even for the new learners. Again to say, this question might not fit here, but I do believe that security is also very important part of the entire picture. Pointing to some resources or info regarding this would be very much helpful for the new `vim` users like me.