Questions tagged [xxd]

`xxd` is an external program that ships with Vim for converting text files and binary files.

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116 votes
8 answers

How to edit binary files with Vim?

Is there a way to edit binary files in some kind of hexadecimal mode? For example if I have some binary data shown by xxd or hexdump -C like this: $ hexdump -C a.bin | head -n 5 00000000 cf fa ed ...
5 votes
2 answers

Vim hex editor with xxd not working as intended

I'm trying to use Vim as a hex editor. I am using the %!xxd / %!xxd -r method, and it worked fine until I tried a some bytes that didn't work as expected : 00000000: 1337 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 ...
2 votes
1 answer

Convert a binary dump back to text in vi?

Select text in vim and convert it to a hex dump... :'<,'>!xxd (Note 2 hex characters represent a single whatever encoding I did this in...) Select a hex dump in vim and convert it ...
1 vote
0 answers

Using xxd in Windows

I installed gvim82 to specifically use the xxd command in windows. I ran the :!xxd -i command followed by file_name.txt > header_file_name.h in the windows command prompt but nothing happens, not ...
3 votes
1 answer

Where is xxd in Windows gvim?

Does it exist? Is it Linux only? Do I have to install it? According to this, it's :!xxd to convert the file to hex, and it's :!xxd -r to convert it back again.
1 vote
1 answer

Avoiding unwanted TextChanged events to avoid 'modified' (hex editing)

Huh? From this interesting post, I took the idea to incorporate xxd into vim a little more nicely than the usual %!xxd. So I started structuring the code and testing. (It's a first draft.) Link to ...
5 votes
1 answer

start vi automatically in hex mode

Once I run vi a.out, I can type :%!xxd, but I'm unable to automate the process like start vi automatically in hex mode create a key mapping from F1 to :%!xxd
3 votes
1 answer

Why is `%!xxd -r` result wrong while `xxd -r` from console with the same input works correctly?

I have the following file named asterix: 0000000: 15 00 1f c1 13 31 49 80 02 64 01 08 42 48 ef 28 0000010: 2d cd 0c 02 00 07 f1 e9 1b 04 63 30 c7 08 20 When I open this file in vim, I ...
5 votes
0 answers

Encoding issue with filename in MacVim

Question In MacVim I type :tabe jäderberg.txt to open a buffer for that file. The file does not yet exist. My status line displays the file name jäderberg.txt. I do i<C-r>% to put the file name ...