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21 votes
3 answers

How can I make Vim position the cursor at the start of a tab character instead of the end?

Open an empty buffer and insert a tab character then exit to normal mode. When you place the cursor (normal mode) on the tab it will be at the right side of the whitespace. I'm looking for a way so ...
Chad Paradis's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Moving to the end of the last word on a line

There are commands to distinguish between the beginning of a line (0) and the beginning of the first word of the line (^), basically ignoring leading whitespace. But I can only find one way to move ...
marshall.ward's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Next paragraph - don't skip lines with white spaces

When using { and } to skip to the next paragraph, the behavior is unpredictable since I can't see white spaces. I have tried to show line endings to see which lines have spaces, but I don't like the ...
nixlarfs's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Removing trailing spaces with the substitute command changes the cursor position

From function TrimWhiteSpace() %s/\s\+$//e endfunction autocmd FileWritePre * call TrimWhiteSpace() autocmd FileAppendPre * call TrimWhiteSpace() ...
Tony's user avatar
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