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2 answers

How do you :tag: every word of a line using substitution?

How do you substitute every word of a line, so that it becomes a useful vimwiki tag? Provided the following line: Word Compund_Word I want: :Word: :Compund_Word: I guess it involves some use of ...
Ludenticus's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How do I jump to tags instead of lines?

I'm using vim as note-taking software. My notes grow to thousands of lines across 7 different files. If I was writing code, I would be able to jump to a function definition in a different file ...
marinara's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to search multiple occurences of a vimwiki tag?

I'm using the vimwiki plugin and trying to figure out tagging with vimwiki-syntax-tags. I can add a tag :tag-example: to a vimwiki .wiki file. I can search :VimwikiSearchTags tag-example and it ...
jpm's user avatar
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