Questions tagged [syntax-highlighting]

Syntax highlighting is the use of colours, size, typeface, or other attributes to visually indicate it has a special meaning and therefore make it easier to understand the text. For example, marking language keywords with a specific colour.

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define a match group for a modeline

Looking to define a match group for modelines. vim defines two patterns for modelines: The first form: [text{white}]{vi:|vim:|ex:}[white]{options} [text{white}] empty or any text followed by at least ...
Matthew Webb's user avatar
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set syntax color to log files, .env.local files without detected extension

sometimes, vim don't color text because file haven't got extension or the right extension, like /var/log/syslog.1, or .env.local How to define color syntax temporarily or definitely ? How to know ...
bcag2's user avatar
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if endif oneliner failure in VIM

I followed QA_1. I use vim 9.1.0 instead of nvim which seems to also have the following bug and I have the following in foo.vim at line 67: if g:LOG_MSG==v:true | echow "g:mode_class " | ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Setting guard variables does not prevent default ftplugin/syntax/indent files from running

I want to prevent the default ftplugin/syntax/indent files from running for tex files. I have a tex.vim in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/ftplugin directory, i confirmed it runs before the default ftplugin/...
CoelinG's user avatar
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Easy way to change the background color of a line

I understand that vim can set syntax for highlighting by defining the classes. However, this is a bit tedious. Is there an easy way to change the background of a line, e.g. is there a way by writing ...
athos's user avatar
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Vim highlighting bug

I'm new to Vim and having problems with highlighting for TypeScript. It seems like at some point, the syntax highlighting just stops behaving correctly. As you can see in the picture, each "i&...
lamk's user avatar
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How to use syntax rules to disable spell checking certain regions?

Vim has a built in capability to spell check files (see :help spell). This spell checking is syntax aware (see :help syn-spell). Unfortunately, I have no experience writing syntax rules for ...
Kokoro's user avatar
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Add new filetype syntax to markdown code fence [duplicate]

For work I use a certain SQL-like DSL. We'll call it lang. I write my docs in vim(wiki), and these docs contain a lot of lang snippets. I have written my simple syntax highlight rules for lang, and ...
Fedja's user avatar
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Conceal passwords in configuration files but maintain password length

Preamble I often share my screen with other developers over discord. When I navigate to a .env file that has sensitive information, I'd like to conceal that information while still allowing others to ...
Paul Parker's user avatar
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Extending existing syntax highlighting system-wide

I’m trying to figure out a way to extend existing syntax highlighting in a way that can be packaged and shipped (ie., not placed under $HOME)—or whether this is possible at all. For this specific ...
Freso's user avatar
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Is there a way to override filetype syntax?

I have a file.conf that has jsonc data. I tried the following hints at the beginning of the file: // vim: ft=jsonc and # vim: ft=jsonc but it has no effect, the filetype is still set to conf. I know ...
Konstantin Glukhov's user avatar
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Highlight link description in vimwiki

I'm trying to customize the colorscheme One for Markdown under Vimwiki. I'd like to change the color of the Description in [Description](URL). In my .vimrc I have the following relevant lines: call ...
Ludenticus's user avatar
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Syntax highlight for .tpl / cloud-config / cloud-init files

I am using cloud-init to parametrize cloud clusters. This is achieved via #cloud-config files, which usually have a .tpl or .tf.tpl extension. Here are a few examples, one of them illustrated below: #...
Adama's user avatar
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Text randomly shown in italics after being sent to a REPL with iron.nvim

Some parts of my code, apparently at random, are rendered in italics, and when I type it goes back and forth from italics to normal. Why is that and how I can avoid that? EDIT: Contrary to what I ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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In gVim 9.1 how to have different backgrounds for text and the empty area to the right of <EOL>, with hlsearch ans syntax highlight still working?

I would like to use two different backgrounds colors bg1 and bg2 with: bg1 for all text on a line (possibly nothing if line is empty) up to the end-of-line, bg2 for the empty area after the end-of-...
gilgron31's user avatar
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Vimdiff bad line alignment and subsequent diff visualization

Let's say I have two files with the following contents: this is some important text another different line if another is needed here it is and this is some important text we now first add two new ...
Svalorzen's user avatar
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How can I enable highlighting such that all Python variables use the same color?

When I was using VSCode as my main code editor, many extensions like The One Dark Pro theme offered variable highlighting. This is not Semantic highlighting, where each variable is assigned its own ...
KhodeNima's user avatar
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Remove Vim highlighting on double quotes

I have syntax highlighting enabled so that I can change my comment colors in Vim. However, I don't want Vim to highlight something like this "text here, including the speech marks get ...
john smith's user avatar
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How to customize comment?

For a specific type of file, want to define customized comment with below requirements. Comment is start with -comment. Comment content is surround by curly brackets { }. Only show comment content ...
Fisher's user avatar
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Vim in tmux and WSL: cannot highlight using ctermbg

I'm using Vim inside tmux, which runs in WSL (due to work reasons). As per documentation, I decided to change my Visual highlighting style using :hi cterm=NONE ctermbg=<insert-color-here>. ...
linhns's user avatar
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How to apply a specific syntax to a range within a file?

My cypher files are properly highlighted, however I have python files that include large texts of cypher like so I would like the cypher part to be have the same cypher syntax highlighting like so I ...
abbood's user avatar
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Disable syntax expansion on cursor hover

I use Neovim with Vimwiki for a personal wiki of mine. I frequently use its syntax for changing typeface; for example _ _ for italic and * * for bold. The syntax is expanded when the cursor is on a ...
efefe's user avatar
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How to replace the default python syntax in Neovim without a plugin manager?

As the title, I would like to replace the default python syntax with the more modern one in I managed to do this in Neovim 0.9.4 with the vim-plug plugin ...
IvanProsperi94's user avatar
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syntax coloring does not work for flex file

I'm using nord theme, it works normally with other kind of files but not flex file I have syntax on and filetype on I tried switching colorthing from gruvbox to nord but it still behaving the same. ...
Danh Le's user avatar
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How can I extend syntax highlighting with my own keywords?

I already have syntax highlighting for javascript, but what I'd like to do is extend it with some additional rules. What I've been trying to start, is using highlight "Prototype" with a cyan ...
Sophie McCarrell's user avatar
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Syntax match only within a particular region (but also within other nested ones)

Is it possible to get VIM to recognize syntax changes inside a particular region? Specifically, I am trying to get LaTeX3's \ExplSyntaxOn...\ExplSyntaxOff syntax to be highlighted, but only inside a ...
karlh's user avatar
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How to disable lsp server syntax highlighting?

I found out that my lsp servers is somehow adding this ugly highlighting to my code (this happened after I updated my Homebrew for some reason), here are before and after pics: Here is my lsp server ...
abbood's user avatar
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Syntax match array of builtin types

I'm writing a syntax file for Solidity files. Solidity has several built-in types, such as uint8, uint16, ..., uint256, bytes1, bytes2, ... bytes32, etc. One can have arrays for pretty much all types ...
Henrique Barcelos's user avatar
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How to distinguish between built-in and user-defined functions in Vim syntax highlighting for C?

I'm currently using the following code in my c.vim to highlight function names in C: syn match cUserFunction "\<\h\w*\>\(\s\|\n\)*("me=e-1 contains=cParen,cCppParen hi def link ...
N00B_141's user avatar
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Set different colours for different HTML tags

Can we set different colours for different tags in HTML syntax? For example, set a tags to green and div tags to yellow. In VsCode this extension makes HTML tags coloured inside .html, .jsx, .tsx and ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
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Fixing JSON highlighting refresh

When I manually edit json files, I end up with red boxes falsely alerting me to syntax problems until I take manual action to refresh those lines. I start with a file with a key/value pair: { &...
Stewart's user avatar
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Vim syntax highlighting: conceal does not work when opening files from netrw

I use Vim version 8.2.4919 without 3rd party plug-ins on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS running via WSL2. I want to have italic syntax highlighting for words encapsulated in underscores in comments of my cpp ...
0x706173696D75's user avatar
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Different Context Mode for highlight group

I can define different highlight groups for different documents. For example, in a general text document, I would define highlight groups as Header1, Header2, Header3, and Normal Text, with different ...
athos's user avatar
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How to use different font size for different highlight group?

There is a similar question gVim - Use different fonts using :highlight but no answer yet. In short, is it possible to apply different font size to different highlight group? For example, while normal ...
athos's user avatar
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How to prevent the ansible format from getting overwritten?

I am using this plugin for ansible: ansible-vim, I am installing it with lazy like this: return { 'pearofducks/ansible-vim', build = 'UltiSnips/', lazy = false } When opening a file ...
nbari's user avatar
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I've switched to nvim and init.lua, which pulls in onedark colorscheme. How can I add a custom rule?

I have C-style comments inside PHP strings that contain SQL code, so I can easily understand what the query is doing when I see it running on the server. DB::runQuery('/* this is my SUPER complicated ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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How to add a syntax rule to LaTeX filetype?

How can I colorize elements of the regex rule "\w\+:\w\+:\d\{4\}" in a LaTeX file ? If I open a new document with no filetype and add the two following command : syn match Bib3Dots '\w\+:\w\+...
chuugar's user avatar
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\zs not working in syntax file?

Udated 2023-09-11: Changed example to asterisk as it is simpler and the question now refers to \zs instead of \ze as \zs seems to be the issue. I am trying to adapt the VIM Markdown syntax file so ...
StaticNoiseLog's user avatar
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What options do I have to give time-only (i.e dependent on a call to a DB via http) dependent coloring to the words matching a regex?

Say the special strings are those matching the regex \<prefix[0-9]\+\>, and say that an HTTP request I can do via system can tell me that that item is in one of three states, Green, Red, or Blue....
Enlico's user avatar
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MacOS - Vim overriding my highlight config in ~/.vimrc

~/.vimrc: set backspace=2 set nocompatible set clipboard^=unnamed,unnamedplus syntax on set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 set smartindent set hlsearch set incsearch set ignorecase set number ...
ray's user avatar
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Conceal highlighting not applying to Vim help files

The Conceal highlighting is not working properly when I edit a Vim help file. When I'm in insert mode on a line with concealed text, the concealed characters will be black on black. I can only see ...
Starfish's user avatar
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Syntax highlighting of a submatch

I have the following syn match specialNumber /1/ contained syn match normalNumber /\d/ contained syn match line /^\d$/ contains=specialNumber,normalNumber hi def link ...
xvf99680's user avatar
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External syntax highlighting

Is there a way (even theoretical) for Vim to use an external program for syntax highlighting? For instance a program that reads buffer content from stdin and prints single-character colour identifiers ...
ngn's user avatar
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Cross-compiled Vim on ARM - only colours are bold, & underline

I cross-compiled Vim 9.0 for ARM / arm-linux-gnueabihf (after also cross-compiling ncurses): # ac_cv_sizeof_int=4 \ vim_cv_getcwd_broken=no \ vim_cv_memmove_handles_overlap=yes \ ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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Do not red underline unicode control points as misspelled words

Vim highlights Unicode control points as misspelled words. So correctly spelled words with Unicode strikethrough (overline, ...) always appear misspelled. Ideally this would be corrected as a setting ...
kevinlawler's user avatar
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Proper regex to prevent a match when keyword is preceded by a period

I'm writing a color syntax highlighting file for a derivative of Pick Basic. Two of the oddities that this language allows is periods in variable names and embedding a keyword in a variable name, ...
Corydon76's user avatar
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Is there a way to apply syntax highlighting to the results of :g?

I do a lot of work with log files, and I use a lot of hi def foo and syn match foo in my .vimrc. Is there a way to apply that syntax formatting to the results of a :g command?
Brian J's user avatar
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Block comment syntax colouring being lost while moving, but redraw will fix

I frequently use block comments to disable sections of terraform code using /* to start disabling and */ to complete. As expected, the code will turn "grey" and lose syntax highlights. ...
Peter McEvoy's user avatar
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TSEnable highlight - true by default

I'm using the plugin 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', and I can enable syntax highlighting by using the command: :TSEnable highlight However, once I close n/vim it reverts back to disabled. I'm ...
Ari's user avatar
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Is there a way to disable Treesitter in Telescope?

I have max file size rule for files, setup in treesitter config, it works: require 'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { highlight = { enable = true, is_supported = function() if vim.fn.strwidth(...
Vlad Mosienko's user avatar

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