Questions tagged [ssh]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to copy to system clipboard using Mosh + Tmux?

I've set vim.opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus" to copy to/paste from the system clipboard. However, I noticed that the behavior differs whether I'm using nvim in my local machine, a remote ...
Gianluca's user avatar
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How can I use Vim with rmate?

TextMate 2 introudced rmate, which has become a de-facto standard for editing remote files, with multiple implementations of the remote component and client implementations for other editors, ...
interfect's user avatar
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What does "No lines in buffer" mean when editing via scp?

I was using vim scp:// and e scp:// to edit remotes files. Sometimes I failed to open and got message --No lines in buffer--. What does mean and how I should solve?
user5302's user avatar
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Pasting into vim over ssh repeats or drops 6 characters at random

When I SSH into a remote Ubuntu container on a particular system and open vim, I cannot paste consistently. Say I copy the string abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz to my clipboard. If I open vim, enter ...
James Hochadel's user avatar
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How do I regain control of my Vim session when it hangs while saving a file via netrw?

I edit a lot of files using netrw in gvim. Sometimes, when I mash C-s to save, it will hang my vim session. I'm not sure if this is because of a network error, or because I also sometimes hit C-z at ...
interfect's user avatar
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How do I unconditionally disable all the "smart" terminal actions in vim

I have already set mouse= and set ttymouse= but I still get it intercepting paste when I'm trying to paste vim commands, like I want it to do some kind of complex :map! .... so I copy that from ...
Resuna's user avatar
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Why is network latency becomes too long when edit in the sshfs mounted files

I mounted the remote server directory to my local machine mount point with sshfs. Thus I could use my local vim to edit my code, it is much faster than editing with the vim installed to the remote ...
coin cheung's user avatar
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Update OS enviroment variables from inside VIM

I use vim inside tmux over an ssh session and I often run into the issue where the $DISPLAY variable gets changed, screwing up my copy-paste. When I log in, $DISPLAY gets assigned to something new: ...
Ben's user avatar
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How can I make NeoVim's clipboard work on my linux servers (like nano)?

I cannot get NeoVim to work like nano does out of the box with regards to clipboard copy/paste. Here is exactly what I am trying to do: I use either a linux laptop (Linux Mint) or a Chromebook ...
Andre Normandin's user avatar
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Vim vertical split window not rendered correctly

Not sure if it's related to vim configuration, tmux settings or ssh config, I opened a file with vim on a remote server, and every time when I use :vsp command to split a vertical window, the right ...
kuixiong's user avatar
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Use vim locally to access GNU R in docker-container

Disclaimer: I posted part of this question here with a focus on how to use Emacs+ESS, but a solution with vim or neovim is also of interest to me. I'm using Debian Stable (currently Buster) to do my ...
n0542344's user avatar
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Neovim fail to open file via scp - Undefined variable: b:netrw_method

I am opening a remote file with this command: [n]vim scp://user@host/relative_file Vim (8.2) opens the file correctly, but Neovim (v0.5.0-dev+1186-g8665a96b9) just shows a blank file and a blank ...
Allan Chain's user avatar