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Questions tagged [plugin-fzf]

Question about plugin fzf which provides fuzzy file and buffer browsing based of fzf.

15 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Cycle between modes in fzf.vim

I'm using fzf.vim instead of ctrlp.vim for quite some time now but there is one functionality that a miss quite a lot. In ctrlp.vim once you have the extension opened you can cycle between modes using ...
Svilen's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Toggle fzf.vim if already open

I am trying to write a vim function to toggle the fzf window if it is already open using fzf.vim. The use case is if I am in the :Buffers view and I want to change to the :Files view if I try to ...
Otis Wright's user avatar
2 votes
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Neovim freezes with FZF

I currently use 'junegunn/fzf.vim', along with the homebrew version of fzf in the command line to search within projects. My setup uses Neovim and Tmux, and I'm getting intermittent freezing when ...
Ben Wainwright's user avatar
1 vote
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How to pass an argument for glob in fzf.vim Rg to support searching in specific files?

I am using fzf.vim plugin with ripgrep. Fzf comes with the command :RG and :Rgright out of the box that lets me to search for keywords in files. However, often I need to search for keywords in ...
Iggy's user avatar
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How to view the full shell error from a vim script?

I have been using vim/nvim for years on my desktop, and one of the most useful libs I have is the FZF vim plugin, specifically the command that lists the tags from the current buffer: :BTags [QUERY]: ...
abbood's user avatar
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How to make FZF BTags command separate public from private methods

I spend most of my time doing peer reviews and working on higher level architecture decisions when it comes to the code of my team. So I find the tools that visualizes the code at a higher level to be ...
abbood's user avatar
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Q: Calling Termdebug as fzf sink does not enable Termdebugs commands

I am trying to set up a shortcut that allows me to start gdb from within neovim while selecting the executable that I want to debug via fzf. Using the following command com! -bar -bang Debugger call ...
Philipp Krenz's user avatar
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Using fzf inside vim with double star completion

I wonder if it is possible to use fzf inside vim the same way it can be used on the command line. So, on the command line I can do vim file** and it will use fzf to search 'file'. I wonder if this is ...
Hielke Walinga's user avatar
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Vimscript infinite loop

I'm trying to combine fzf-bibtex with UltiSnips so that I can search my bibliography file and insert a BibTeX key automatically. I use the following function from fzf-bibtex (which calls the binaries ...
Philipp L.'s user avatar
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FZF-Vim with ripgrep: load results into quickfix list?

I used to use the vim-ripgrep plugin to integrate with ripgrep (:Rg), which would load the results from rg into a quickfix list, so I could go back and forward over them with [q and ]q. Now I use the ...
fanaugen's user avatar
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Open file in new tab or split if current file has changes in fzf.vim

I have been using :Files to get a list of files using fzf.vim. Although whenever I hit enter to open a new file and the current file has not been saved I get an error message saying No write since ...
Nahush Farkande's user avatar
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Prioritize recently used commands in fzf

I use fzf's :History: a lot to execute previous Vim commands, it's really handy. I'd like to give Vim commands that I used more recently a better ranking so they appear as the best match when using :...
Matthias Braun's user avatar
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FZF Immediately Gives me the Dreaded Bell When first Tyring to use it

Not sure why but if I open vim, and try and use FZF, I get a bell noise when using my mappings for it. Doing :FZF will work just fine, but I have a mapping nnoremap <leader>ff :FZF<cr> And ...
Snickers3192's user avatar
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Setting up fzf and integrating it with vim

I am trying to setup fzf and use it with vim, tried to follow the instructions in the git repo but could not get things to work. I was successfully able to install fzf and use the :FZF command in vim....
Kareem Aboughazala's user avatar
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How to limit a key binding to a single key

I'm having trouble putting to words what I'm looking for, please mark as duplicate if appropriate I have a key binding that launches a search based on a fuzzy finder (specifically bindings to fzf and ...
cbcoutinho's user avatar