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Questions tagged [plugin-deoplete]

Questions about Deoplete an asynchronous completion framework.

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Deoplete + Vimtex with Lazy.nvim. Deoplete is not triggered

I tried to migrate fomr packer.nvim to lazy.nvim and I encounter problem with deoplete. With packer is triggered on every document and .tex files. With Lazy.nvim is not. I appreciate any help! Here is ...
Mafsi's user avatar
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Plugin specific config not loaded

I have in .vim/after/plugin/ a file called deoplete.vim Inside is this code let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1 " Enable autocompletion at startup " Autocomplete Deoplete + Vimtex call ...
Mafsi's user avatar
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Adding dictionary words list to deoplete plugin

Let's say I have a list of words in one file in my home directory (each word is in a separate line): bar barfoo foo foobar ... How can I add this list of words to Vim deoplete auto-completion plugin? ...
C_Note's user avatar
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Jedi module is not found (deoplete)

:checkhealth shows neither errors nor warnings about jedi: health#jedi#check ==================================== ## jedi #### Jedi-vim debug information ##### jedi-vim version - jedi-vim git ...
Alexey Orlov's user avatar
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How to get rid of an error message from 'deoplete'

Every time I run vim I receive the following error message that disappear afterwords. What can I do to get rid of that message or to get rid of the problem? [deoplete] [yarp] [deoplete] job is dead. ...
sbac's user avatar
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Autocompletion doesn't work when using ALE + deoplete

From my init.vim (I've checked that it doesn't work even with a minimal configuration): call plug#begin() Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' } Plug 'dense-analysis/ale' Plug '...
11122345791216212837's user avatar
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getting vim to autocomplete python methods

I am coming from statically types languages, but I will have to be using python for the next few years and I want to get my setup as smooth as possible. Right now I am using vim-jedi, and deoplete-...
Joff's user avatar
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How do I get neovim to automatically return to normal mode when idle?

This works fine in vim 8: autocmd CursorHoldI * stopinsert After about 5 seconds or so of inactivity in insert mode it automatically returns to normal mode. However, in neovim I use the deoplete ...
Jared Smith's user avatar
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Is it possible to type "return + shift" to insert a new line in deoplete?

Here is a situation. I use deoplete but since the pop-up menu when I type in something already puts the cursor at the first item on the list, when I type in return, it inserts a new line. So I want ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Is it possible to put the cursor on the first item on auto-completion?

I added and use deoplete to get a list of completion while typing. However, typing in a word shows the completion list with the cursor being nowhere on the list. On some IDEs like Xcode, when you ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Multiple <ESC> with a single <ESC>

How can I get the effect of multiple <ESC>s being pressed when I press <ESC> once? My current config requires me to press <ESC> twice to switch to Normal mode: once to close the ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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Change keybinding for up/down when in vim popup

I'm using deoplete plugin for auto completion. In Vim, default keybinding for up and down when popup appears is CtrlN / CtrlP. I want to change to CtrlJ / CtrlK for same behavior with CtrlP plugin. ...
hqt's user avatar
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Deoplete with Neovim doesn't work

I have a problem with my deoplete plugin. When I write code, I don't have automatic completion on dot. I need to manually press <c-x><c-o> to make it work. Here is my deoplete ...
hallow_me's user avatar
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