Questions tagged [neovim]

A project that seeks to refactor Vim. Use this tag for questions specifically regarding Neovim-only features (i.e. features not found in Vim and other Vi-like editors).

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Trying to run a python file and having the output take up the entire window (similar to Vim behaviour)

To illustrate I have vim and neovim open side by side in tmux, both with splits. I have a file called open with "print("test")" in it, which I want to run. then I use the ...
user33445's user avatar
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cannot find

I have migrated from vim to nvim and everything seemed to work fine. I'm trying to figure out how to enable xdebug on nvim (it used to work fine before). So I ran to an issue when I tried to install ...
abbood's user avatar
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Neovim - vim-grepper shows no result

I use Vim daily and use vim-grepper ( as my grep plugin. But since last week, it doesn't work anymore and every request I do result in... nothing found. I tried to ...
Charles Duporge's user avatar
3 votes
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<ESC> does not exit command-line mode. Neovim on tmux on WSL

nvim is not exiting command-line mode when the ESC key is hit. E.g., the key sequence :ff<ESC>ff gives :ffff at the command-line prompt. The expected behavior is that the first :ff be discarded ...
Liam's user avatar
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synIDattr returns nothing in function

I have this part of code: function! Test() echom synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name') endfunction autocmd TextChangedI <buffer> call Test() I expected that every time I change ...
TornaxO7's user avatar
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vim-wiki mapping <leader>ww causing delay in another mapping

I'm using Neovim and my init.vim has a quick save mapping as below nmap <leader>w :w!<cr> Since i installed vim-wiki, there's a noticeable delay in the execution of w because of vim-wiki ...
Benny Thadikaran's user avatar
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How to use / install NVIM nightly version correctly? (Issue with PlugInstall not working in 0.5 [but will work in 0.4.4])

I have scoured the internet trying to figure out how to get NVIM nightly (0.5) running correctly. The furthest I've been able to get is downloading the appimage, putting it into my bin directory, and ...
GreenSourceCode's user avatar
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Cannot understand how to group autocommands in this case

I downloaded a program called calcurse and it allows me to make notes by making temporary files in /tmp folder. The note files are named as calcurse-note.[some random alphanumeric characters after ...
sussy_baka's user avatar
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4 answers

How to tell NeoVim to use “python” instead of “python3”?

Im using pyenv to administer my python versions (Im on Manjaro Linux) and the command for python on my system is python but nvim wants to use python3. How can I change it? Error: [coc.nvim] Error on ...
John's user avatar
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How to pass custom arguments to the shell invoked by :terminal?

I would like to specify the startup command to run on the :terminal shell. E.g. bash -c ls. The shell can be specified with set shell=bash, but how to specify the arguments? In another use case, I ...
tejasvi88's user avatar
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How do I manage the activation of vim abbreviation?

I defined an abbreviation in vim like this: ab is Input() I know it is not good to use is as the abbreviation of Input(); here it is just an example. So every time when I type is followed by space, ...
user33128's user avatar
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Partial abbreviations

Pretty new to vim so this might be a basic question. I am trying to construct an abbreviation such that only part of a word gets corrected. For instance abcPRops gets corrected to abcProps defPRops ...
Nahush Farkande's user avatar
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possible to search two form of hex string in one time?

Some text file contains lots of hex strings, a same string presents multiple times in two formats like: 00000000 aa bb cc 25 41 f3 d9 ed 58 5c ed a0 3c 61 60 ce ...%A...X..<a`. and ...
aj3423's user avatar
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Adding Additional Syntax Highlight to nvim; cannot get .config/nvim/after/syntax to load .vim file

I'm trying to add additional syntax highlighting to a plugin I'm using for syntax highlighting. I've tried adding the additional syntax file fstrings.vim to the ~/.config/nvim/after/syntax folder but ...
Chef1075's user avatar
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What is 3kA in this mapping?

I'm trying to understand how to make mappings in vim (particularly neovim). Searching, I’ve managed to do some of the things that I want, but I can't learn what everything means. Example: a latex ...
mmazz's user avatar
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Automatically load & save folds of files - except for help files

My current solution to automatically load & save views of a file is the following: " automatically saves & loads folds when closing or opening a file set viewoptions-=options augroup ...
m_squared's user avatar
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make appending strange folder to my makeprg on Windows

I recently came to use NeoVim and I was trying to configure my vim to run a single file using :make command (My g++ is from MinGW), I tried to use :let &makeprg = 'g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++17 -o %...
Y.T.'s user avatar
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Delete buffer only when a specific buffer is deleted

I've configured Vim to look like this: +------------------------------------+ | N | Code | | E | | | R | | | D |...
Loading BG's user avatar
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clicking on a line with concealed characters

Let's say I have a latex file with a line $\nabla_Y Z = \nabla_X Y$ If I set conceallevel=2 this becomes ∇_Y Z = ∇_X Y which is nice. If I have my cursor on another line and want to change the Z I ...
0x539's user avatar
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Why does system(cmd) append ^@ to its output?

I want to set node's executable path for neovim. So I have added this line in init.vim. let g:coc_node_path = system('which node') But when I open nvim I get this error. [coc.nvim] "/home/akash/....
Akash Karnatak's user avatar
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VIM vs NEOVIM vs SpaceVIM [closed]

I am giving Vim a go using WSL. But should I go for Vim or NeoVim or SpaceVim? What are the differences in these, are there any other such variants, and which one should I choose as a starting point?
RahulS's user avatar
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nvim-completion-manager: neovim shows a Python syntax error in when opening a new file i despite no actual syntax error in file

In ~/.config/nvim/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/, line 151 is'cm#complete', name, ctx, startcol, matches, refresh, async=True) I'm using Python 3.8 and copying ...
Doot's user avatar
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Dracula theme not recognized in init.vim

Here is the tutorial I am trying to follow Here is the init.vim file I have written. I just don't understand why I am getting the error Cannot find colorscheme 'dracula' This error is occurring in ...
nmnsharma007's user avatar
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Set the color scheme for current window only?

How can I set the color scheme manually for the current window only ? colorscheme affects all windows when I use it. My use case is that I am using neovim and I have a terminal session in one window ...
user3203476's user avatar
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Neovim window rolls up when dividing screen horizontally with tmux

When I'm coding, I like to have neovim window up and command line window down to run my code on the screen. When I save a neovim file and divide the screen into two horizontally using tmux, the neovim ...
tet's user avatar
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How to use colored icons for autocomplete menu nvim.coc?

I am using neovim-qt for typescript react development. From last week I am configuring my neovim. I have configured coc.nvim which is giving pretty good autocompletion. I wanted to add icons for ...
Maheer Ali's user avatar
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Delete word or whole line part after cursor in colon-command mode with keybinding

I would like my NeoVim to have Emacs-style keybindings in all "direct input" modes, in particular - Alt+d and Ctrl+k for forward word and line part deleting. I've done it for insert mode as ...
vatosarmat's user avatar
4 votes
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What is right way for string concatenation in vimscript?

I wrote some vim plugin, that correctly works with vim8, but when I try run it with neovim I get error about invalid expression in string: let var = str_first .. str_second When I change .. to . all ...
user20084's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent Neovim from editing another file?

When I'm using Neovim in conjunction to firenvim to edit a text box in the browser, I typically have the need to open another file. I'd like to disable Neovim's ability to read from and write to other ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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How to exclude git commit hash (7-char long hex string) from spelling?

I use neovim as editor for git. Especially when rebasing it is hard to focus on the important things because the spell check highlights the commit hashes. Therefore I'm trying to exclude the 7-char ...'s user avatar
  • 129
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3 answers

Replace regex group in nvim

I'm using the most recent version of nvim on arch. I have sentences in my text like this The brown fox I wish to use this format :%s///g to replace all lines starting \nlowercase letter + rest of ...
Kes's user avatar
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Visual block selection using mouse in Neovim

Is it possible? I set mouse=a, go to VISUAL BLOCK mode but when I click and move pointer, neovim falls into VISUAL and mouse selects character-wise.
vatosarmat's user avatar
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Error processing init.vim in neovim (not an editor command)

I have just tried to set up neovim from this article. I am running on Windows 10. I have installed neovim through chocolatey, and I am trying to get Vim Plug to work. After pasting call plug#begin(&...
advaiyalad's user avatar
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Issues with concealing latex

I am playing around with conceal options in latex, and I would appreciate some help. I am using neovim os OS X if that makes a difference. I have the following settings in my config file Plug 'lervag/...
Me.'s user avatar
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<BS> and <C-w> delete entire line in (terminal mode from a command) instead of a single character

I'm creating a mapping which is supposed to navigate to a specific window (call TEST_WIN), focus in on the terminal and then delete a single character. The goal of this command is to navigate to the ...
libby's user avatar
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NeoVim does not pick up ruby defined by rbenv/asdf

On my clean install macOS Big Sur (with migrated user account), I am having the mentioned problem in (homebrew) NeoVim 0.4 with Neovim gem (0.8.1) using zsh. :ruby puts RUBY_VERSION 2.7.2 :echo ...
Tun's user avatar
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How can i make this autocmd BufEnter command work?

i am setting the default vim-statusline, and i made this line on my colorscheme: hi MyStatusLineDevIcon ctermfg=7 ctermbg=0 cterm=NONE So i can color the devicons on my statusline.vim config I call ...
Henrique Monteiro's user avatar
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How to track down the code during debugging?

The problem I'm trying to troubleshoot now is specific to recent neovim 0.5.0 (exact version I'm using is NVIM v0.5.0-ef3230f35 but this issue reproduces in the same way on all my machines each ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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Ever since I moved from Vim to Neovim, my ag has started acting strange

I recently switched to Neovim, but ever since my ag usage have acted weird lately. Here is my current .vimrc file. Here is my Neovim init file ~/.config/nvim/init.vim: set runtimepath^=~/.vim ...
abbood's user avatar
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Get visually selected text - weird behavior when last selected char is multi-byte

I have made a simple function to echo the visually selected text. The function is simplistic as I am only interested in max one-line selection. The problem is, if the last character of the visual ...
skamsie's user avatar
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How to change colour of reference counts next to definitions

I'm using CoC with the elm-language-server, and I've found that for each top level definition, at the end of the line I have an extra annotation printed that gives a reference count and whether it's ...
Igid's user avatar
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How to grow/shrink a selection per tab?

How to have a selection grow/shrink as we tabulate, regardless of cursor position ? The selection can span more than one line. Kind of like this: For the tabbing I've got this part so far: xnoremap &...
8c6b5df0d16ade6c's user avatar
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Enter insert mode after search?

So you're in Normal mode, then you press f followed by a character, then vim takes you to the next occurrence of that character. When you land on that character you are in Normal mode. My question is ...
8c6b5df0d16ade6c's user avatar
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Confused why A-f keybinding does not work in neovim

I'm trying to add some readline keybindings into insert mode, like below, inoremap <C-B> <Left> inoremap <C-F> <Right> inoremap <A-B> <C-Left> inoremap <A-F> &...
Ali's user avatar
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How do you represent "/" character in .vim?

Trying to map the NERDCommenter's toggle comment action (mapped to <leader>c<space>) to alt+/, something a bit more familiar. I tried: nnoremap <A-/> <leader>c<space> ......
8c6b5df0d16ade6c's user avatar
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How to create key bindings that apply on in a quickfix buffer? [duplicate]

The autoload command can be used to execute code depending on a range of events and filetypes. When I list the active buffers, the buffer hosting the quickfix window has what seems to be a unique ...
Edmund's Echo's user avatar
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Where is "~/.config/nvim/init.vim" on Windows? [duplicate]

I just download Neovim & I'm trying to configure it following a tutorial, but I can't find the path $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim or ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim. I don't know if a have to ...
Kuroce's user avatar
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annoying red blocks in neovim

im using Neovim from my WSL terminal. I've been exploring the multiple plugins of this amazing open source project and this made me change my init.vim, a lot. Now i've messed it up and i don know how ...
Occhima's user avatar
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Is there any snippet generator available for vim?

In vscode/atom/sublime there is a snippet generator. Likewise any snippet generator or plugin to generate present in vim? Can I store snippet in my project github and ...
Samselvaprabu's user avatar
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Display file contents in a popup window upon pressing a key?

I am having a text file where I have a cheat sheet of commands I learned. When pressing some key ,it should be displayed in popup window. In Kakoune editor they display a help using Alt+i , like that ...
Samselvaprabu's user avatar

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