Questions tagged [key-bindings]

Doing an action when pressing a key. These are also called key mappings or mappings. For questions about default key bindings, as well as creating or redefining key bindings.

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How can I jump outside the scope of LaTeX delimiters?

I want to define insert mode mappings that will jump outside the scope of any delimiter I'm in (forward/backward). Where "delimiter" is in the broad sense of LaTeX delimiters, so not only {},...
Ur Ya'ar's user avatar
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Ctrl+w Shift+n after :term does not start a normal window

In Vim, you can start the terminal by :term, and Ctrl+WShift+N allows you to treat the terminal window as a normal Vim window. I tried the same in NeoVim, but it does not work. Is it an expected ...
T_T's user avatar
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How to fix a direction keys remapping bug?

I don't want to change the default position of my right hand to use the direction keys, also I'd like to be able to use them in the insert mode. So I've got the following part in my .vimrc file: "...
Fyodor's user avatar
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Neovim command mode keymap without executing

In my vimrc I had a mapping to read the word under the cursor (<C-R><C-W>) and put it on the command line as an argument ready to search with the GrepperRg tool: nnoremap <leader>gg :...
Noel Evans's user avatar
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init.lua - Remove default mapping recursively

I want to use the i_CTRL-G mapping to abort the current cmp selection, but i_CTRL-G is already used by neovim. I tried to delete the mapping with this: vim.keymap.del('i', '<C-g>') But it just ...
Bog's user avatar
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Mapping two slashes to braces deletes two previous characters

In ftplugin directory I created pascal.vim with the following mapping: imap // <ESC>hc2l{ }<ESC>hi The aim of this mapping is to replace two forward slashes with braces and leave the ...
Pontiac_CZ's user avatar
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Why does ":normal gv" keep removing one line from my visual block?

I'm trying to create a vimscript function that does a substitution on a visual block and then highlights the visual block again with gv. For instance: function! MySubstitution() s/foo/bar/ ...
wxz's user avatar
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How to use register expression with visual selection?

I have this key map in my Vim configuration: nmap <leader>rn :%s/\<<C-r><C-w>\>/ But for this code from php I have a problem. $text=$home_intro['text']; Because, if cursor is ...
serii 's user avatar
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Swap a 0 under the cursor with a 1 and vice versa

Assume that, in normal mode, the character under the cursor is either 0 or 1. I want that, upon pressing a key (say F6), it is swapped to the other one.
brad's user avatar
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Make vim.execute function dot repeatable

I made the following keybinding to substitute "a/b" with "\frac{a}{b}". -- convert / to \frac{}{} -- (dot repeatable) _G.div_to_latex = function() vim.cmd('execute "normal f/...
robertspierre's user avatar
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mapping works on next line instead of current

I have this mapping in my .vimrc: inoremap <C-f> <Esc> : exec '.!printf "world"'<CR> I expected it to replace the current line with "world" after pressing C-f in ...
k-dx's user avatar
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yank to register in a map expression

I have this mapping that starts a substitute command with the selected text prefilled: xnoremap <Leader>s "vy:% s#\v<C-R>v#<C-R>v#g<left><left> When I select the ...
MaxGyver's user avatar
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Rotate list of lines

Assume you have the following block of text (yes: I am using vim-latex, but this is not relevant): \begin{itemize} \item 1 % [[[ \item 2 \item 3 \item 4 \item 5 % ]]] \item 6 \end{itemize} My ...
brad's user avatar
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In Neovim which-key, how can I show the command instead of the description?

I'd like to make the label for each keymap the keymap.rhs instead of keymap.desc in the folke/which-key.nvim UI menu, even when they are both defined in the keymap. keymap.rhs is displayed by default ...
ql88888's user avatar
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Vim macro to copy paste text

I would like to copy paste everything after a comment into the [] place holder of the next line. E.g.: %This is a comment Target box: [] with some more text The desired output would be: %This is a ...
Hugh's user avatar
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Neovim: Making a function that checks the beginning of line and acts depending on it

Extra details, The whole code: local obsidianSettingsGroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('Obsidian Group', { clear = true }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', { pattern = {'markdown'}, ...
Crimson Crusader's user avatar
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How do I enhance the '~' command to toggle the "+/-" signs as well?

I need to make a report about investment everyday. It requires a lot of changes of the sign of figures. (from - to + or from + to -) Is there a simple way to overload (extend) the ~ command (switch ...
Charles Jie's user avatar
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Help understanding this :global command

I have this command to prune :verb map down to only my plugin mappings: g!^\~/vimfiles/plugin/^-1d _ It also needs :$d to remove last line that has verbose comment "Last set [...]". Can ...
Tom's user avatar
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Order of sourcing scripts

I've recently been organizing my vimrc and putting mappings into vimfiles/plugin and vimfiles/ftplugin files (not to mention abbs, functions and commands). However, these scripts are sourced before ...
Tom's user avatar
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Keymaps get reset upon switching focused window back to Neovim instance

Lately I've been running into a strange issue where, upon switching focus in and out of Neovim to other windows, some of my keymaps will not be set properly upon re-focusing and instead use the ...
Devildude4427's user avatar
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Keybinding to quickly update (aka prettify) React indentation

This is an example of the original code <Text fontWeight="bold" size="lg" color="turquoise.500">Use Search V2 Beta</Text> and I want a keyboard shortcut (say ...
abbood's user avatar
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Conditional Key Mapping in Neovim Based on File Type

How can I do in nvim if the file type is js do this: vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<A-1>', [[:w | split term://node % <CR>]], { noremap = true, silent = true}) else if file type is lua do ...
user50451's user avatar
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How to map q for saving and quitting?

I was reading the Vi documentation, by Joy and Horton and on section 6, 6.9 Macros they give a way to map q to save and quit: :map q :wq^V^VCR CR When trying that out in Vim it creates a new file ^V^V ...
Miguel Cortes's user avatar
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Mapping works only on select mode and not with visual mode?

I have a custom "plugin" I use extensively for verilog development, and I have a few functions I obviously call using respective mapping. For example: function! FormatIoInstance() range ...
xyx's user avatar
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keybindings that change mode: cannot use keybindings on the new mode

I have defined the following keybindings: local opts = { noremap = true } local ll = "<leader>i" opts["desc"] = "Send visual lines" vim.keymap.set("v", ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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What is set_opfunc?

I'm configuring toggleterm.nvim, and in particular I'm putting this keybinding in my config file, as suggested by the plugin author here: -- Send motion to terminal vim.keymap.set("n", "...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Redraw cursor at absolute top or bottom while keeping scrolloff

My goal is to remap zt and zb to set scrolloff=0, run zt or zb, then set scrolloff back to its original value. I like the context when scrolling, but when I hit one of these keys I really want the top ...
theherk's user avatar
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":term" style completion in vim.ui.input()

I currently have the following keymap: vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sr', function() return ":vs | term " end, { expr = true }) This drops me into a vim command where I can complete ...
Kurtis Nusbaum's user avatar
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AstroNvim in diff mode: navigating to next difference

In plain old (n)vimdiff, one can jump to the next/previous difference using [c or ]c respectively. (says :help diff documentation, at least) Not so much in my AstroNvim; running nvim -d -R old.txt new....
Marcus Müller's user avatar
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How to automatically fold html tags?

If I have this react code: <tag> .. </tag> and the cursor is on top of <tag>, tapping on % will make the cursor jump to the closing </tag>. I want to create a vim key mapping ...
abbood's user avatar
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Vim keybinding case-insensitive

I would like to have a key bindings on <C-l> and on <C-L>. But it seems that Vim is case-insensitive regarding this. For example, if I have a Vim script like this: imap <C-l> <C-W&...
john's user avatar
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Best way to keybind subsequent substitutions in visual mode

I need a keybinding that, given some text selected in visual mode (line visual mode, block visual mode, or whatever): Add > _ before the text Add _ after the text In case of empty lines, > ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Efficiently create "key-key" pairs from "key-value" pairs

I'm looking for an efficient way of going from this: AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_HOST=asd.sadas.dashasd AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_STARTTLS=False AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_SSL=False AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_USER=asdash@...
Alex's user avatar
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How do I allow higher function keys (F13-F24) in Vim?

My vim sessions use term=win32 and my F13-24 keys do not work, but they are permitted I believe from checking :help t_ku. I've gained shallow insight on how to connect vim keycodes to term keys via &...
Kasz's user avatar
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Block select unequal lines

I often have code of the form: money = double(123) user_level = user["level"] timer = get_time() and want to have: money = double(123) user_level = user["level"...
FromTheStackAndBack's user avatar
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How to map Enter, Ctrl-Enter and Shift-Enter in Neovim (nvim-cmp)?

According to this My Kitty conf map shift+enter send_text all \x1b[13;2u map ctrl+enter send_text all \x1b[13;5u According to this My Tmux conf bind -n S-Enter send-keys Escape "[13;2u" ...
f4T1H21's user avatar
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How to prevent cursor shift when using `<cmd>` (like `<c-\><c-o>`)?

I currently have inoremap <M-j> <C-\><C-o>gj in my config but I would like to avoid triggering all InsertLeave autocommand when doing this. inoremap <M-j> <cmd>normal! gj&...
0x539's user avatar
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Can I map Alt+j without mapping Escape followed by j to the same thing?

If in insert mode I do Ctrl+v and then press Alt+j, I see ^[j inserted, with ^[ being actually a single character. That's the same I get if I press Escape followed by j instead of Alt+j. I've known ...
Enlico's user avatar
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How do I append every single occurance of a phrase with that phrase plus an incremental number?

I am using the Vim extension in VSCode. I want to append every occurrence of a phrase, for example: breadCrumbLabel In my codebase with the instance number. The first occurrence would have to be: ...
Kandala Sreekar's user avatar
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"gi" doesn't work in my buffers. No error

I recently learned about gi. It doesn't seem to work in my PHP buffer. I get no error message. I expect gi to go to insert. I also write with markdown. In this buffer I get an error that says I do not ...
Vinn's user avatar
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How to combines two mappings into one in Neovim?

I have two keymaps like this vim.keymap.set("n","te","<C-w>l|ia.exe<CR>") vim.keymap.set('n', 'c', ':w <bar> !gcc "%" -o "~/Newfolder/...
Prajwal 's user avatar
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Normal mappings not working anymore in Vim 9.0 for foreign and special characters

I used to have the following key mappings within _vimrc: nmap è "_ddP nmap ò yaw nmap à "_dwP nmap § .n working in Vim 7.4 on Windows and an Italian keyboard. Now, after upgrading to Vim 9....
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Is there a default normal-mode command for `:write`?

I know ZZ will write and quit, and ZQ will quit without saving. Is there another such command to write the buffer without doing anything else, or should I map one myself? I'd like to know if there's ...
wallefan's user avatar
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How to use mapmode-x (xmap) and mapmode-s (smap) in Neovim?

I have these two key mappings to surround the visual selection with double asterisks: " This one works for line selections done with V, but not selections done with v vmap <A-b> <ESC>'...
Talex's user avatar
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How to search and replace the highlighted text from visual mode?

The following is the functionality I am attempting to implement. 1. What works (normal mode): Search/highlight the word the cursor is on. Replace the word the cursor is on. Note that the word doesn'...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Vim mapping to make function parameters become multi-line?

I'm looking for a minimal way to convert code that looks like this: my_function(param1, param2=value2, param4=a_function_call()) into something like: my_function( param1, param2=value2, ...
beyarkay's user avatar
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Restricting `bufdo` to Specific File Types

I'm currently using a key mapping in Vim that's causing some issues. The mapping is: nmap <buffer> <Leader>tr :silent bufdo TaskWikiBufferLoad<CR> The problem is that the command ...
NonalcoholicBeer's user avatar
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Why is key binding for CTRL-L key messed up?

I have run into a Vim key binding issue at the office recently. On the Linux system where I do my development work, while running Vim the CTRL-L key no longer redraws the screen. The .exrc file in my ...
Barry Kimelman's user avatar
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How do I create key mappings for Windows and/or nano Shortcuts?

Having used text editors (mainly Notepad/++) and some IDEs on MS Windows, I've become familiar with their Alt and Ctrl shortcuts to the point that I use them automatically. Having used nano on a GNU/...
Agi Hammerthief's user avatar
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How to save the files when global replace completed in one command line

I have so many huge size of files and always need to do search and replacement so I map the command as nnoremap aa :let i=1 \| g/regexp/ s/^/\=printf("%1d. ",i)/g \|let i =i+1\|:w! 1.txt ...
M_Sea's user avatar
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