Questions tagged [macvim]

Vim modified to run as a native OSX ("Cocoa") application. This is NOT the Vim that's included on OSX by default.

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MacVim Text Randomly Disappeared [closed]

I am using MacVim to write code in C++. I went to modify my vimrc file and accidentally clicked :w when in the file. After doing this, all the text seemed to disappear. After a while, I realized the ...
ifandonlyif's user avatar
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Vim: How to have YouCompleteMe autocomplete shell script variable names and functions from "source"d files?

I use macvim with YouCompleteMe (YCM), which I recently updated and recompiled. I followed the YCM instructions for OSX. I'm also using iterm2, tmux and zsh, all of which are installed with brew and ...
Life5ign's user avatar
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How do I navigate using tags in a personal copy of the vim documentation?

As background: I am a beginner in VIM and I want to go through the built-in vim manual, but with my own copy (not the system copy) so that I can practice in the manual text as I go along (I also ...
Jordan Mandel's user avatar
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Simple .vimrc takes a very long time to save

Saving a file with :w takes several seconds for me, and I can't figure out the culprit. This is my .vimrc " Specify a directory for plugins " - For Neovim: ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged " - Avoid using ...
Julie Qiu's user avatar
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Why does MacVim crash on Zoom

If I open Macvim, everything works fine, unless I zoom in (using Cmd+"+"). If I do that, then I get a strange black boarder around the added bit of the window and the whole thing freezes. This is ...
Joe's user avatar
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macvim does not recognize math latex symbols anymore

I am running Macvim 8.0.1633 (146) on macos 10.13.3 Weirdly, even with syntax on, the math highlighting is plain wrong: Here, I didn't search for end{equation} Does anyone know what is going on?
max_zorn's user avatar
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Display issue: Vertically center in line when using linespace 20

I have set linespace 20 in my .vimrc and I quite like the clarity it provides. The only issue I see right now is: Notice how the spacing at the top end of the line is more than the bottom end of ...
shashanka n's user avatar
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Moving Vim Plugins to a separated file [closed]

I want to separate my Vim Plugins to a separated file since I using more plugins in my .vimrc file. it this possible?
Kiry Meas's user avatar
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Youcompleteme on Mac OS X

I'm trying to use the YouCompleteMe auto completion plugin. I have installed MacVim version 7.4. I followed the instructions on the linked page for Mac OS X by making the symlink: ln -s /usr/local/...
Mike's user avatar
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MacVim current tab goes black when closing another tab

I am currently having an issue with MacVim: If two tabs are open say tabA and tabB. When I am on tabA and then close tabB, the tabA goes black and I need to refresh it. I do the refresh with command +...
Rajeshwar's user avatar
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Permission Error when using vim-geeknote [closed]

I was trying to use vim-geeknote in MacVim (Kaoriya Edition, MacVim modified for Japanese environment). I followed the official way of installing geeknote and it works in terminal (with sudo). I ...
user51966's user avatar
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vim youcompleteme not working

Currently i'm working on Node.js and I wanted some additional plugins which can help me learning this new technology. I installed tern_for_js and YouCompleteMe from Vundle. I also compiled YCM, but I ...
Rohan Kumar's user avatar
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How to make sure every 'echo[msg]' command is visible?

I have a couple of functions chained together to verbose messages in my status line in MacVim. I have noticed that in one particular occasion a line is blank and is not delivering the message it is ...
mbilyanov's user avatar
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Parentheses off the page stop being recognized

I am using a recorded macro to manually wrap an extremely long string in a python script, like this: blah = ('blahblah ... blah blah') to blah = ('blahblah...' 'blahblah...' ... ...
keflavich's user avatar
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How do I prevent MacVim from automatically starting on OSX 10.10?

I have a laptop with latest OSX 10.10.4 and have tried to install latest MacVim via homebrew, cask and "releases" section in github page. All works fine, but starting MacVim also opens, ...
grigoryvp's user avatar
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How do I approach understanding the EasyGrep documentation?

I haven't been coding too long, and I've recently switched over to MacVim. I'm starting to see why doing so has a high "learning curve." I'm not familiar with hardcore Vim commands, and I tried adding ...
fibono's user avatar
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Using different character(s) as linebreak

Given an input file of the form #1. This STUFF Content related to 1 ...and some tips #4. Fouth heading 4para 4para #3. 3para 3para I'd like to be able to sort it to get: #1. This STUFF ...
Joe's user avatar
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Old source code files display unexpected characters

I'm attempting to open the recently released source files of the ancient DeluxePaint on MacVim, however, every file has an unexpected sequence of ^Z^Z^Z^Z^Z... characters at the end: Two questions: ...
glampert's user avatar
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I cannot detect where is ^M in my .gvimrc

I have the following .gvimrc: vim9script # ----------------------------------- # This file is sourced AFTER .vimrc # ----------------------------------- set mousehide # Set fonts for gvim # fontsize ...
Barzi2001's user avatar
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ctrl+a works when I ssh to linux machines but not on my local mac [closed]

I like to use ctrl+a in vim to increase numbers. I recently upgraded my mac to Calelina, and the ctrl+a command no longer works in vim. The strange thing is, when I ssh to different linux machines, I ...
kilojoules's user avatar
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How to display stdout/stderr of a program as overlay?

How can we display a program execution output from stdout or stderr as a overlay from inside VIM? I get that we can have keyboard shortcut mapping to compile and run, but I'm looking to display the ...
mtk's user avatar
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How do I make the statusline selectable in gvim/macvim?

With terminal vim I can just double click the statusline and select the filename, which is very handy. In gvim or macvim clicking the statusline prompts me to resize the active window, not very useful....
mihai's user avatar
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Brew installed MacVim with excusively Python3

Have installed MacVim using brew on an M1 (ARM) MacOs. When trying to use python-mode extension the next error is shown: [Pymode]: error: Pymode requires vim compiled with +python3 (exclusively). Most ...
Gonzalo Matheu's user avatar
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After selecting a string in visual mode, how should I change the selected string into a different string?

So I have a configuration file that I want to modify using Vim. I want to change a ******* into something else, but after selecting the ******* in visual mode, I am not sure what am I supposed to do ...
jxhyc's user avatar
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Unintended automatic join behavior and move in editting

I have to following lines in my .vimrc file (being .vimrc is irrelevant, other files the same), noremap D "_d "Make Y behave like other capitals (C, D) nnoremap Y y$ When I started to delete "_d ...
Kevin Powell's user avatar
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Version conflict between vi and vim

I installed some plugins which is supported above vi version 7.4. When i open files with vi command its will show the plugin not supported with version 7.3. After that i was opened with vim command ...
SuperKrish's user avatar
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Highlighting word by word in "insert" mode?

New to Vim here; did several searches on how to do this in Vim, but without any luck (maybe it's too simple). I'm attempting to highlight words in sequence, in the same way that SHIFT + OPTION + [...
fibono's user avatar
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How to set highlight for tab labels when using MacVim?

By looking :h hl-TabLine I have the following hl groups: But the actual colours are different, as you can see from the following image: Reading :h setting-guitablabel didn't help too much. Any hints?...
Barzi2001's user avatar
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How to configure git config to use MacVim and zsh to use Vim bundled in MacVim?

The following is an excerpt of my .gitconfig [core] editor = mvim autocrlf = false pager = less -FX commentchar = "#" [diff] tool = vimdiff guitool = vimdiff [merge] ...
Barzi2001's user avatar
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How do I give mvim Full Disk Access on macOS?

How can I use mvim to open files that require extra permissions on macOS? I've given MacVim Full Disk Access in "Security & Privacy": That allows me to open MacVim (by double clicking ...
idbrii's user avatar
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Map comma in select mode to exit select mode, enter insert mode, append a comma

Is it possible to remap comma in select mode to exit select mode, enter insert mode, [optionally: go the end of the last selection (which the cursor seems to be for ultisnips)] and append a comma? ...
codepoet's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent to Xcode's quick jump bar (to navigate Swift MARK annotations within a file)?

Does a rough equivalent to this Xcode quick jump bar feature exist as a Vim plugin? I haven't been able to find any good leads on one in my research. It's a way to navigate sections in a file - in the ...
aehlke's user avatar
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In Vim How to jump to last, second last or some n'th character from the end in current line

Suppose I have a string like takeThisAsAFunction(someParameter, someNestedFn(furtherNesting(foo, oneMoreNesting())), someText); ^ ...
CodeTalker's user avatar
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Whats the benefit of using :term inside Vim compared to a separate terminal emulator app?

I am using iTerm2, which is working well for me. I've been using VIM for almost 2 years now, with MacVim. Then suddenly I became curious whether my coding experience will improve when I use terminal ...
Noel Pure's user avatar
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Scrolling with trackpad not working Macvim

I have just installed MacVim on my new Macbook. But I have a problem: on Linux I was able to scroll through my code—vertically moving my cursor—by using my trackpad. But on Macvim this doesn't work ...
O'Niel's user avatar
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How to apply a custom highlight file?

I'm playing with Vim highlight, so I made the following (syntax.vim): hi Comment ctermfg=DarkGray hi LineNR ctermfg=DarkGray hi CursorLineNR ctermfg=Red hi String ctermfg=Gray hi PreProc ctermfg=...
KcFnMi's user avatar
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E488: Trailing Characters error after attempting to install vim-hybrid

So I'm trying to use Vim-Hybrid as my native Vim theme but I've been running into a couple issues with it. Everytime I run the vim command now, I've been receiving the following error message: E488: ...
Benji Durden's user avatar
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When alt-tabbing, subfolders in Netrw change appearance and opens in preview window

I'm on macOS Ventura 13.2, using macVim and terminal vim. When I toggle Netrw, open a folder with a subfolder, and then cmd-tab away from vim and back again, that subfolder changes appearance and ...
najjt's user avatar
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vnoremap to sort highlighted lines by length not working as expected

I found a command that would sort highlighted lines by their length and wanted to make a mapping for it so that I could avoid typing it every time. vnoremap ,s :<C-U>'<,'> ! awk '{ print ...
Shreevathsa GP's user avatar
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(mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', ne ed 'arm64e')), '/usr/lib/' (no such file)"

when I try to execute `:QuickRun I'm getting this message [vimproc] function quickrun#command#execute[10]..quickrun#run[10]..387[10]..379[1]..vimproc#pgroup_open[15]..<SNR>178_pgroup_open[7].....
whitesiroi's user avatar
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Pasting via vim doesn't paste whole text and gets stuck in the insert paste mode

For a while now, I've been dealing with a problem where when pasting a large amount of text, such as the code in this gist, into a file via vim, only part of the copied text gets pasted, then stops ...
Hunter T.'s user avatar
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Toggle between vim and non-vim controls

How can you get a running instance of Vim to stop using all custom mappings, and possibly even some defaults, and start using a new set of mappings. And then be able to toggle back. Specifically, I'...
Polo's user avatar
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Vim Plug installment error on MacOS: Error creating directory /Users/api/.vim/autoload

I just migrated today from VSCode to Vim, and I need a little bit of help regarding the installation of Vim Plug. I installed Vim with Homebrew, and now I want to install Vim Airline. The tutorial I ...
AporBokor's user avatar
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How can I drag a file onto MacVim and make it open in a new buffer instead of new tab?

I have MacVim 8.2.2576. When I drag a file onto it from the Finder it opens in a new tab. I have seen the :help drag-n-drop but I did not see any option as I prefer. Is there any ways to configure ...
null's user avatar
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Ultisnips stopped working this morning

I've been using Vim for about a year now (so still a newbie), but this morning UltiSnips stopped working for me. Any help would be really appreciated! When I run :UltiSnipsEdit! the console returns ...
desiigner's user avatar
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has('mac') returns 0, but I'm on a mac? [duplicate]

I am using vim in a terminal on my mac. I understand that the command: echo has('mac') should return 1 (it does on macvim), because it's running on a mac. But it returns 0. Can anyone tell me why ...
Joe's user avatar
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Mapping Buffer Movement [duplicate]

How can I configure Vim and MacVim to respond to control-arrow and meta-{h,l} key-presses? The configuration below is ignored by both. I'm using iTerm2 (version 3.2.7), Tmux (version 2.8), and Vim (...
Ari's user avatar
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What is the [0/0] that pops up in corner of tmux vim if I try to scroll up?

When I'm in vim on tmux with terminal and I scroll up, the cursor will jump to where my mouse is and show a [0/0] on the right corner of my window. When that happens, I can't type or move the cursor ...
appljuice's user avatar
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vim is messed up in iterm

I installed both mvim(macvim) and vim through brew. vim was installed using "brew install vim " (with python3, doesn't matter ). The OS is High Sierra. While mvim is completely fine, vim is ...
eyal karni's user avatar
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How to make <S-A-Left> and <S-A-Right> work in vim within Mac Terminal

I'm using these keyboard shortcuts to navigate/manipulate tabs in MacVim " tab navigation nnoremap <silent> <S-Left> :tabprevious<CR> nnoremap <silent> <S-Right> :...
Martin Tóth's user avatar