Questions tagged [linux-ubuntu]

Use this tag for questions specific to using Vim on the Ubuntu flavor of linux.

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0 votes
0 answers

VimTeX: Viewer cannot find Zathura window ID! (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x11)

The PDF file is not opening with Zathura after the VimTeX compilation. I am using and the file vimtex.lua in my directory ~/.config/nvim/lua/neotex/plugins ...
2 votes
1 answer

Vim appimage can't run on Ubuntu 22.04

Vim has a official AppImage (cool). But I can't run it on Ubuntu 22.04. I suppose that some dependencies are lost. My problem is that I can't identify what exactly are. I see the terminal output when ...
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot open terminal ini nvim

I installed Plugin terminal using the vim-terminal plugin and try to execute :TerminalSplit bash but before the terminal open I got a warning message. Python 2 interface is not installed, using Python ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is the vim-daily PPA still functioning?

It says on vim PPA manager Jonathon F's launchpad page that: "This account belonged to a deceased user and has been archived." (In fact, Jonathon F. died in January of 2023.) But on the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Compiled Vim Is Not Using vimrc files

I compiled Vim 9 from github source I am compiling Vim in Ubuntu 20.04. I tried compiling it according to this doc. However, I can not get it to read the system file /etc/...
4 votes
1 answer

How can we get the third mouse option with cut, copy paste in neovim?

I am new to Neovim and using the default terminal in Ubuntu for Neovim. With the default terminal, we can click the right mouse and get the options for cut, copy and paste. How can I get this type of ...
7 votes
2 answers

Copying From Vim to Ubuntu Bash on Windows

Note: this question is specific to the relatively new Ubuntu Bash on Windows system. So it seems possible to paste into Vim from the Windows clipboard by simply right clicking in insert mode after ...
2 votes
0 answers

Consecutive pressing mapped function keys emits unwanted "^[[I" in input buffer in Ubuntu 22.04

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 (ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso) Vim: vim-gtk3 (8.2.3995-1ubuntu2.7 amd64) vimrc: nnoremap <F7> : ! g++ % -o %< <CR> nnoremap <F8> : ! time ./%< <CR> ...
0 votes
0 answers

NeoVim0.9 installation cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I was upgrading my very old NeoVim version 0.4 to 0.8 by following the docs on Github. After downloading the nvim appimage, making it executable, and extracting it using ./nvim.appimage, I try to run ....
0 votes
1 answer

Down arrow key triggers coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#next(0) : "\"

I am using NVIM 0.9.0 stable release with Conqueror of Completion which I installed recently. I am used to using the arrow keys in insert mode for quick navigation between two lines. After installing ...
0 votes
0 answers

Mapping to ctrl+m and ctrl+i in neovim

I was trying to bind to <C-m> and <C-i> in nvim to move from window to but these seem to be mapped by zsh to newline and tab respectively. Is there any way to disable these mappings so I ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I get vim to read syntax files from `/usr/share/vim/addons/syntax`?

According to the Debian documentation about vim, a Debian package (Ubuntu, really, in my case) is expected to place <name>.vim files under: /usr/share/vim/addons/... Syntax files go under a sub-...
10 votes
2 answers

Trying to compile vim with python 3.6. Where is my config directory?

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to Linux, only started using it recently. However, I am trying to compile vim with python because I am using latex live preview and it needs a python compiled vim ...
0 votes
1 answer

coc.nvim - no rome found in your project root

I have the latest version of Ubuntu and recently installed vim. I'm trying to get coc.nvim to work. See . This is an autocompletion package (and then some) for vim ...
13 votes
6 answers

Installing Neovim 0.7 on Ubuntu?

I just moved from Mac to Ubuntu. I have set everything up but my lua keybindings are following the 0.7 configurations. When I install neovim on Ubuntu it gives me 0.6. I tried this: sudo add-apt-...
2 votes
1 answer

What does runtime! debian.vim actually do?

The vimrc template I used had the message "Ensure options work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian." for runtime! debian.vim Here is the contents of /usr/share/vim/vim81/...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I add a text file to a pre-existing zip

I want to add a text file to a zip file using vim. I want to either add the file to my zip from local drive or create the file in the zip using vim.
1 vote
0 answers

tmux send-keys to vim has no effect when used with swap-pane

I have a tmux window with 2 panes (pane-ids: 0 and 1). In the pane 0 there is vim launched. I want to fire a combination of two commands from tmux command-prompt: :send-keys -t 0 "iabc" ; ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to Keep Syntax Color but Disable Highlighting in Vim?

I recently activated auto-complete using YouCompleteMe and syntax color in Vim. However, a red highlighting color appeared. I tried to disable syntax color with syntax off, but this highlighting ...
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0 answers

Yanking to system clipboard does not work

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, I have +clipboard and +xterm_clipboard in my vim --version, and I have set set clipboard=unnamedplus in my .vimrc. For some reason, yanking still does not copy to the system ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why do `wq!` and `q!` causing "E855 Autocommands caused command to abort" on any Python files?

Executing :q! and :wq! (of course :x as well) on any Python files causing "E855: Autocommands caused command to abort". However, :qa , :wqa (and of course :xa as well) don't caused the same ...
18 votes
2 answers

Vim cannot find medical spell files

Problem specification I would love to have a medical spell dictionary in vim. Currently, I have a lot of medical terms in my own personal English dictionary right now. However, using an official ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to separate the negative and positive values from 3rd column in vim file?

I am dealing with a long data in the vim file. I want to separate the positive values and negative values in the 3rd column in separate files. Example: 1.000 3.889 4.666 4.889 2.809 -8.687 3.896 4....
15 votes
2 answers

Vim compiled with python3 but has('python') returns 0

I just followed these instructions to compile vim with python 3: After the install I checked to see if I have python3: vim --...
3 votes
2 answers

How do I make the cursor blink?

set guicursor=n:blinkwait5-blinkon5-blinkoff5 has no effect. Why is that? mp4
0 votes
1 answer

"command not found" error using filetype plugin [closed]

I am trying to add filetype plugin indent on to my vimrc, and I'm getting the error filetype: command not found. I tried searching but can't find a solution. I have the full vim package installed (not ...
3 votes
1 answer

Where is the .vim folder by default in Ubuntu?

I have seen that the .vim directory is in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/, but it isn't. The closest I can find is /etc/vim/, but that does not contain what I need (namely, init.vim). Am I missing something? I am ...
5 votes
0 answers

Intermittently cannot switch from Vim terminal to other panes

I've looked at quite a few other posts and haven't found a similar problem. I've recently begun using WSL and Vim and love it. Most of the time, it works great and I use CTRL-W-h/j/k/l to navigate ...
0 votes
2 answers

Do not use the system Python 3 version in Vim

I am running Ubuntu 16.04, which requires the Python 3 system version to be 3.5: updating it to 3.7 breaks the package manager. At the same time, I want to use Vim with YouCompleteMe. YouCompleteMe ...
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0 answers

<number>dd not doing anything on an ubuntu machine

I use 999dd as a goto command before pasting/overwriting the entire contents from the clipboard. For some reason this is not working (at all) on a specific ubuntu machine. Why would this not work be ...
2 votes
1 answer

Vim fzf :Buffers (WSL Ubuntu) stopped working after update

I am using Vim on Ubuntu for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). After updating all components involved (Vim, fzf, Ubuntu), the :Buffers command stopped working. Note that :Files, :Lines, etc. work as ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I get +ruby feature in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?

Really I'm just looking for vim compiled with +ruby and when I installed vim.gtk3 it doesn't come compiled with it instead on :version it comes up as -ruby. I'd like to use the vim-readability plugin, ...
1 vote
3 answers

How do i open Vi after I installed Vim?

I discovered vi/vim only yesterday on my ubuntu I didn't have vim installed, only vi I enjoyed its simplicity and minimalism then I decided to try vim too, ran sudo apt install vim, played with it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to create a new file from the editior once I have a file open?

So I have the following file open in vim, this is the route I usually take to create a new file I do ESC :save, and then :x. Then from my Ubuntu terminal I do the following vim ...
1 vote
1 answer

Vim takes a long time to close over SSH?

While ssh'd into my server, vim hangs for a variable amount of time (about 2 seconds, but can be longer or shorter) when opening and closing. It's worth noting that (to my eyes) the delay is the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to recover unsaved text without a swap file after Vim crashed?

I am using Vim 8 in WSL Ubuntu. While copying text into a file the terminal crashed. I don't believe it is the WSL as Task Manager does not show 'Not Responding'. I have tried using this answer which ...
1 vote
1 answer

Vim-devicons not working at all [closed]

I tried installing vim-devicons to be used with nerdtree(using vim-plugin). I tried devicons FAQ, everything is fine except "check if you are able to see the characters, from ex mode:", i tried ...
66 votes
3 answers

How can I get a newer version of Vim on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu's packages can be pretty old, but for some desktop programs (like Vim) I'd much rather have the latest version, as newer versions often fix various bugs. How can I get a reasonably recent Vim ...
2 votes
1 answer

vim-plug: install plugins on startup not working properly on Ubuntu

per the recommendation in the vim-plug wiki:, I've added the following snippet to my vimrc: " Install missing plugins on Vim startup autocmd VimEnter * ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to safely switch from vim-athena to vim-gtk?

I have vim 7.4 Huge version with X11-Athena GUI installed on my laptop running ubuntu 16.04. I would like to safely switch to vim-gtk. Do I have to uninstall existing vim installation and install vim-...
2 votes
3 answers

What's the deal with the Vi/Vim in Ubuntu 18.04/19.04?

Is it different to standard Vi/Vim, if so how and why? Is it Vi or Vim? It does show a version string/identifier that would suggest it is Vim 8.1.320 though oddly it is opened with the 'vi' command ...
2 votes
1 answer

Update external file based on VIM mode

Currently I have my vim set up to update the statuslline based on what mode the editor is in. Like if I'm in insert mode then the statusline turns red. Magenta in replace mode. Green in command ...
1 vote
0 answers

Vim shows error when running python3

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 First, I ran apt-get install python3-dev ruby-dev Then, I installed vim using the instructions in the website, using make distclean, make and make install (This was like the tenth ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to ensure files are copied to VIMRUNTIMEDIR when building Vim 8.1 from source and specifying a prefix?

I compiled vim 8.1 for Ubuntu 16.04 x64, from source, by following Valloric's excellent guide on the subject. Although that guide is for an older version, it was really simple to check out the correct ...
26 votes
7 answers

Vim 8.0 Python support

I'm trying to upgrade my Vim installation to version 8.0, but it doesn't support both Python and Python 3 as the below image. (PS: Because of this problem, I cannot use the YCM (YouCompleteMe) plugin ...
2 votes
2 answers

Understanding how "vi" finds its global configuration file

On my Ubuntu OS, I see this in /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny: $ cat /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny " Vim configuration file, in effect when invoked as "vi". Here's the partial output from :version: system vimrc file: "$...
1 vote
1 answer

Latex-suite <alt-I> mapping

Last week I reinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my laptop. During my last installation of ubuntu (also 18.04) I learned vim and used it in combination with the latex-suite. However on this new ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do I configure my VI environment on Ubuntu 18.10?

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.10 and VI is exhibiting behavior I am unaccustomed to. For example, when I insert something using "i", 4 spaces are automatically placed in front of what I've ...
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0 answers

Displaying specific text only in the airline of a given window

Suppose that using bufwinnr() I find the windows number where a given buffer is being displayed to be 2. With that information, is there a way to display a specific string only in the airline status ...
0 votes
1 answer

Identifying the PID of Vim 8.1 internal terminal launched with :terminal ++close

When launching an internal Vim 8.1 terminal for an exclusive program like in terminal ++close ipython, is there a way to identify from vimscript which is the PID of the launched process (i.e. of the ...