Questions tagged [linux-arch]

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1 vote
1 answer

How to change foreground color of character underneath cursor?

I've tried setting the highlight rules below but it does not work. Whatever color I choose, the color of the character stays the same. I'm using xfce4-terminal on Linux and on Mac OSX. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Mouse navigation not working in VIM

I started using VIM today and I found out that we could use the mouse pointer to go to a line in vim using set mouse=a But unfortunately, it is not working here is the config file
0 votes
0 answers

Font size NOT changing through .vimrc but can inside vim

I can change the font size with set guifont=FixedsysTTF Monospace:h13 inside Vim and works perfectly. However when I put this inside ~/.vimrc it stays the same font size no matter what size I set it ...
1 vote
1 answer

Vim won't open unless I Ctrl+C [closed]

Having this strange problem, where when I do vim ...some_file... The shell will freeze until I send a signal <Ctrl + C>, and then the vim opens up properly. I haven't touched anything (.vimrc, ....
0 votes
1 answer

Vim catching Win-key keyboard shortcuts on XTerm and i3

I am using Vim 8.2 on XTerm(363) and use i3 version 4.19 as window manager on Arch Linux kernel version 5.4.89-1-lts. My i3 modifier key is the Windows key. When I use Win+h, Win+l, Win+k, or Win+j to ...
9 votes
2 answers

How to display Font Awesome in Vim?

I installed ttf-font-awesome in Arch Linux; if I open up a file which contains icons from Font awesome it recognizes the file as utf-8 but the icons are displayed as squares. Does anyone know how to ...
4 votes
0 answers

Vim adding blank line after each line when pasting from clipboard

When I copy-paste multiple lines from clipboard into my vim, it inserts a blank line after every line. But when I copy in into a text editor first and then copy-paste it into vim, the blank lines are ...
3 votes
1 answer

Maps literally read < and > instead of the actual character

Situation Entire .vimrc: inoremap a <CR> Action: user types ia to enter insert mode and type a Expected result: a carriage return is entered into the document Actual result: the characters &...
0 votes
1 answer

Error when installing Vim

I cloned Vim from the GitHub repo and then run ./configure --with-features=huge \ --enable-multibyte \ --enable-rubyinterp=yes \ --enable-python3interp=yes \ ...
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot set (let) mapleader and use <leader> in global vimrc

I'm using basic version vimrc from No problem if I put my vimrc at /home/{user}/.vimrc, but if I put it in /etc/vimrc (arch) or /etc/vim/vimrc (debian), it becomes a ...
1 vote
2 answers

CTRL-V_CTRL-[key], instead of ^[key] gives ^[[27;5;[ASCII code of key]~ in xterm on Arch

For example, Ctrl-v_Ctrl-w gives ^[[27;5;119~ instead of usual ^W. It does behave in such way only on (u)xterm. I've tested it on st, lxterminal, xfce4-terminal and rxvt. I'm also 98% positive that ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to get YouCompleteme to work with kernel headers

I am taking an OS class and we have an upcoming assignment involving Kernel modules. I'm reading Wiley OS text to prepare and they have the below code. I keep on getting an error that the header files ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I delete or ignore a test when compiling vim?

I am compiling vim under Arch linux and it is failing the test "test_netbeans.vim" even though I did not ask for netbeans to be enabled for the build. I tried editing the shared.vim file and removing ...
4 votes
1 answer

Prevent colorscheme from changing background color

I've got a sick terminal colorscheme, and i'm using vim-one colorscheme for neovim, what i'd like to do is stop it from changing the background color (since i like my terminals background color more) ...
1 vote
1 answer

Vim not encoding with UTF-8

I'm using Vim, installed from the Arch Linux repo. I've tried adding set fileencodings=utf-8 and set encoding=utf-8. I've tried with all caps (UTF instead of utf) and putting it in /etc/vimrc and ~/....
1 vote
0 answers

Neovim not showing correct background color

I'm running neovim from a uxterm on arch linux with the solarized color scheme. The issue is that on scrolling only the characters which are non-whitespace are displaying the correct background. ...
24 votes
1 answer

How do I use the system clipboard with Vim in Arch Linux? [duplicate]

I am using Vim on Arch Linux through urxvt. Since there is no "Ctrl-V" or "Ctrl-Shift-V" support in urxvt, there is no way for me to paste things I have copied from my browser (let's say) into my vim ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to use vundle for vim installed from AUR

I'm in a process of completely switching to vim for my development purposes. In order to make it more IDE-like I want to install a couple of plugins and I decided to use vundle as a plugin manager. ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to turn off completion (enabled by default in Arch)?

When I install vim from repository on Arch Linux, it has a completion feature that I don't like. What is it called and how do I turn it off? (It is active even with a blank .vimrc.) I would rather get ...
8 votes
2 answers

How can I build vim with just python 3 support?

I'm on Arch, and recently the vim-python3 and gvim-python3 packages were removed, so I'm working on building vim from source such that the :python command will act as python3. Specifically, I'm doing ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does vim create a new file when opening an existing file?

First and foremost, I'm using Arch Linux. I have a file dir/data.tex. I execute this command in terminal (when in the dir directory) $ vim data.tex I get the following output: "indent" [New File] ...