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What is the meaning of lbr in Vim?

I write set lbr in my vimrc file but I don't know the meaning of that. What does this option do? I know it's about line-breaking but I need more explanation. This is from the Vim document and I can ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
4 votes
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Showing showbreak character at the end of the line that is wrapping

Is there a way to show showbreak character at the end of the line that is wrapping, not at the beginning of the next one? 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur \ adipiscing elit, sed do ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Extending the true line width to enable screen readers to see what blind users cannot

Vim is outstanding. It holds a lot of potential for blind users. I still have one out-of-the-box problem when using vim with screen readers (tested with both NVDA and System Access). But that surely ...
guestuser001's user avatar
3 votes
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How to jump to a next or previous specific character ignoring linebreaks and not destroying highlight or overwriting my registry?

I have not found much use for ()[]{}, and so I want to map them so it does a find command, jumping to the previous instance of that particular character. Thus, ) will jump forward to the next ), ...
Anon's user avatar
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How do I configure vim to show a character when a line is too long to be displayed?

I want to be notified when a line is too long to fit in the window. Right now I have this in ~/.vimrc: set wrap let &showbreak = ' +++ ' I'd like to change that to: set nowrap let &...
tex's user avatar
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Getting Error while opening files through vim

I am trying to use unicode characters in vim. Since msdos prompt didnt support unicode, I downloaded cygwin. I added some commands in .vimrc through cygwin. Basic commands like setting encoding, ...
SibiCoder's user avatar
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Still force new line at end, but show it too?

Some people prefer not to end a file with a new line. I'm not one of them. In fact, I want to see that it's there! How can I keep this 'force new line at end' behaviour, but show it in the editor? I ...
OJFord's user avatar
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Set line breaks, word wraps and word searching for Thai and other non-latin languages

I can set the text width and can manually line break imported paragraphs with the following as an example. set textwidth=72 gqq I can also navigate English text files with the standard 'w' 'b' 'e' '*...
BrianWilson's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

How to make vim automatically add a newline to the end of a file?

Vim normally writes <EOL> for the last line only when there was one in the original file. How to make vim to write a new line at the end of a file all the time (when the file is not binary and ...
kenorb's user avatar
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