Questions tagged [filetype-c]

Questions about the c file type.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Vim to highlight functions and user-defined types

I have two scenarios where I want vim to highlight those items. Currently my fix for these are to add the return types directly into the after/syntax/c.vim file, but this gets incredibly tedious. Here ...
David542's user avatar
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Tools for working with C #ifdef preprocessor directives?

I want to work with a C code with a lot of #ifdef directives. I wonder if there is a program, that will show me, which of these #ifdef's will be left in the code, and which will be cut out by ...
Peret Finctor's user avatar
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Syntax highlighting for two components of C syntax

What are the following two components that I need to target with syntax highlighting/rules? The first one is the int (or more generall, any storage class) that I want to colorize. If currently have ...
David542's user avatar
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Setting up C code highlighting

I've used vim for mostly python or web-related projects. Now I'm trying to see if I can use it to write some C code. The first thing that I've noticed is whatever setup I have, doesn't have any C code ...
David542's user avatar
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automatic popup in vim with clang_complete plugin

I want to use Vim to program in clang (*.c and *.cpp). At the moment I am trying to use the clang-complete plugin and I like the autocompletion but I have to use the <C-n> or <C-p> ...
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Using NerdCommenter to comment/uncomment blocks with old-style C comments

I'm using the NerdCommenters leader c<space> to toggle comments on blocks of C code, but when those blocks already contain C comments, they get replaced, by default with [> and <], and ...
Petr Skocik's user avatar
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Why does cindent align statements to closing } in switch case?

I prefer this indentation style for switch cases with local variables: switch (expr) { case CONST_BLAH1: { int decl; // scope local to this case stmt; break; case CONST_BLAH2: ...
wefwefa3's user avatar
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Indenting C with brace macros

I use a bunch of weird C macros which basically should behave like braces as far as formatting is concerned. My equalprg is empty, so I'm using vim's indenting function for = formatting. Is there any ...
Petr Skocik's user avatar