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Disable Shift+Insert from pasting from Primary

In Vim, the canonical methods to interact with X11's Clipboard and Primary is to use + and * registers. There are at least another two ways to paste from Primary into Vim: Shift-Insert and Mouse ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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Prevent gvim from clearing the clipboard on exit [duplicate]

If I copy text into the xterm clipboard ("+y) from gvim, it is cleared when I exit gvim. How do I prevent this? I've found the solution for vim, but it doesn't work for Gvim: autocmd VimLeave * ...
DmitMedv's user avatar
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Can Vim add to the X11 clipboard or primary buffers without an external utility?

We can copy to both the + and * registers, but this doesn't actually copy the content to X's memory (apparently). If you copy something from Vim using the * or + registers and quit Vim, poof! There's ...
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