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Yanking a visual block with word wrap enabled is shifted

Say I have a file with the following contents (on a single line): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue ligula, venenatis et orci non, convallis congue nunc. Nam eleifend ...
sudo make install's user avatar
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Multiline graphical table to seperate lines

I have a (very large) variable width table, something like this: 1 ----------------- 2 | 3 | 4 | | | ---- | ...
guest4308's user avatar
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Yank across multiple lines with single line breaks

I can use the following to yank text inside of quotes across multiple lines, separate that text by a single new line, and be able to paste it characterwise. let @q = '' | *g/^/exe 'norm! "Qyi&...
Rob Mosher's user avatar
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Blockwise pasting from "+ register not working

UPDATE: I run an X server (XQuartz 2.7.11) on MacOS, which I forward via ssh to any Linux machine I use. The problem seems to be that under XQuartz, the "+ register does not support blockwise yanking/...
Anders Lundstedt's user avatar