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Vim mapping: Copy whole line X lines up/down and paste it X lines down/up

I find myself doing the following very often: xkyyxjp (where x is a number). I copy a whole line x lines up, and then I paste it x lines down (and vice versa); and so I wanted to make a map so I can ...
Peter Petigru's user avatar
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mapping to delete and yank multiple lines e.g. d4y instead of d4d

In my vimrc I have nnoremap d "_d nnoremap yd dd to not save lines when I delete. Is it possible to create a mapping that when I press e.g. d4y it will cut 4 lines and save them into buffers? I ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to bind <C-U> to <Cmd><BS> in vimrc?

I understand that <C-W> is backward-kill-word and I have bound this to shiftBS and it works. But now I want to bind <C-U> to cmdBS. Is this possible? If so, how can I do this?
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