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How to fix this map to jump to usage/definition in a new tab?

I've had this map to be used with cscope/ctags for a while now: nnoremap <C-}> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T What it does is open the definition/usage in a new tab. This works great. Unless....
Opifex's user avatar
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Vim :tag can jump to the tag but using short key ctrl+] gives cstag: tag not found

I have generated tags using ctags -R . In Vim I'm able to find the tag when I type :tag TagName and it does jump to it. However, if I have a cursor over the TagName and do Ctrl+] vim shows cstag: tag ...
JZ67's user avatar
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Vim function : how to expand vim variable in shell command?

I'm trying to write a vim function to update ctags and cscope databases. I'm trying to save the vim variable projectRoot in environment variable then expand this enviroment variable in the find ...
Salahuddin Ahmed's user avatar
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How to configure cscope to select the BEST definition

On large projects, there might be many definitions over many different files and folders for a given symbol. Usually the one you want is the one that is unique to the local area you are working in. ...
Starman's user avatar
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Searching for method definitions with cscope and ctags (or anything else) [duplicate]

Is there a way to search for method definition with some Vim plugin? Suppose there's a method with rather generic name, something like User user; cout << user.get_name() << endl; Is ...
synapse's user avatar
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Using GNU GLOBAL and gtags-cscope in vim

Now I am learning how to use GNU GLOBAL in vim. I have installed gtags.vim. I have gtags the kernel source directory. The .vimrc includes the following lines: set cscopetag set csprg=gtags-cscope ...
tamlok's user avatar
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