Questions tagged [argument-list]

Questions about the usage and the manipulation of the argument list. The argument list is the list of file names you give when starting Vim.

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1 vote
3 answers

How to force Vim to delete all the [No Name] buffers?

I often use Vim to manipulate clipboard data. I create a new buffer :enew Paste the data in it Modify the data Yank it :%y At the end of my day, I end up with several [No Name] buffers. I want to ...
1 vote
1 answer

List Vim arguments options

Is there a way to list the command line arguments showed by vim -h or vim --help from within Vim? Besides :r!vim -h which seems to be a workaround to achieve this.
1 vote
2 answers

"vim /foo:123 -c 'normal! zz'" should open the file '/foo' at line 123 with the cursor centered

When I search for a text with grep it gives the filename followed by a colon and a line number likethis, and then I just double click /foo:123:bar with the mouse: $ grep -rn bar / /foo:123:bar Then I ...
3 votes
1 answer

navigating multiple files - arguments and buffers

I've been learning vi (as an autodidact) for some weeks. Actually I'm not yet sure about if I'm using vi or vim (does the command vi open vim if vim is installed?). Now I'm trying to edit multiple ...
1 vote
2 answers

Disable E173: X more files to edit warning in neovim

How can I make :q and other standard ways of exiting quit immediately even if E173 would ordinarily have stopped me in my tracks? Because this doesn't seem possible in regular VIM, how can I do it in ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I pass multiple optional arguments from custom command to function?

Given a function with two optional arguments fun s:foo(one = v:false, two = v:false) echom '<' . a:one . ',' . a:two . '>' endf and a custom command calling it command! -nargs=* Foo call s:...
1 vote
2 answers

Navigate arglist via filename?

I like doing things like :b css to jump to the single css file I'm working on. But of course this only works if I only have 1 css file in a buffer. I'm under the impression that it is not possible to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why argdo applies changes only to the last file?

Given the following files with two trailing spaces at the end: $ echo "test1 " > test1.txt; echo "test2 " > test2.txt; echo "test3 " > test3.txt $ hexdump -C *.txt 00000000 74 65 73 74 ...
1 vote
0 answers

Macro doesn't run properly when executed with :bufdo or :argdo

I have a macro that looks like: :reg a Type Name Content c "a /^where^MkV%yGo^M-- Some typing...:^[pVG:!/tmp/^M It works fine from any starting position in the file when I replay it ...
1 vote
1 answer

argdo vs bufdo for project-wide search and replace in specific folders

I have the following structure: myproject ----src file1.cpp, ..., file10.cpp ----include incl1.h, ..., incl10.h ----data data1.txt, ..., data10.txt I would like to ...
3 votes
1 answer

argument list shows wrong current file

The help for :args states: *:ar* *:arg* *:args* :ar[gs] Print the argument list, with the current file in square brackets. However, it looks like ...
2 votes
2 answers

Plugin to edit whole datasets/projects

I'm using vim all the time for text editing these days, and have a particular use case: editing a dataset using successive commands. The main problem, as often, is fixing things, ideally rather ...
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0 answers

Can I define window position/contents via command line arguments ? Maybe a sort of parameterised session file? [duplicate]

I would like to open, say, 4 files and then have windows arranged in a grid so that the first file was in top left, second bottom left, third top right and fourth bottom right. So a command like this (...
3 votes
2 answers

How to pre-process command line arguments provided to vim?

I want to add support for various formats of filenename with linenumber for vim to understand. E.g. I get output from git grep <keyword> like this: first/ first/ second/foo....
2 votes
1 answer

Use cases of ":rewind"? How does it differ from ":b1"?

After reading :help :rewind :rew[ind] [++opt] [+cmd] Start editing the first file in the argument list. This fails when changes have been made and Vim does not want to |abandon| the ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to set read only for only one buffer

I'm using vim with some plugins, such as Nerdtree, YCM, to build an coding environment. Now I want to achieve this: When I execute the command vim, a file containing some ASCII image, will be loaded ...
3 votes
2 answers

How does double star work in vim?

When I run shopt -s globstar; ls -1 tests/**/Helpers/**/*.php in bash I get: tests/Helpers/Layout.php tests/Helpers/Link.php tests/Helpers/LinksPage.php tests/Helpers/LiqpayRedirect.php tests/Helpers/...
1 vote
1 answer

Use the arglist without opening the files

When I use the args command it opens the files: :args `find . -name \*.html` I would like to do an operation on the arglist without opening the files at all in a buffer, or either opening them one ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I see what arguments vim was invoked with?

Is it possible to see what arguments vim was invoked with when it was run? vim -O foo bar To show -O foo bar, but especially if there are configurations set like -Z?
2 votes
1 answer

How to add files to argument list without adding them to buffer list?

I would like to run some command on each .js file of project. Argument list seems like a perfect usecase for it. :arga **/*.js :argdo 'some_command' The problem is that using :arga **/*.js adds all ....
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1 answer

How can i get the arglist count?

I am writing a bash script about session management and what I want is if there's something in the arglist not to source the session. But I couldn't find a way to check the length of :args First of ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to call the fzf Ag command with multiple arguments?

The plugin fzf.vim defines the following vim command here: command! -bang -nargs=* Ag call fzf#vim#ag(<q-args>, <bang>0)' the fzt#vim#ag function seems to allow passing all the ag ...
3 votes
1 answer

how to use the number returned by arglistid()

In the doc little is said about this number. Can we retrieve the entire arglist using this number and get all the versions of arglist?
3 votes
2 answers

Handling Complex Arguments in a Vim Command

I am working on a VIM plugin that will require a certain level of complexity for handling arguments passed to a command. :MyCommand -item=banana -command=ls\-ltra -pattern=./* However, I am not sure ...
0 votes
1 answer

Exiting back to normal mode in terminal buffer from Vimscript

<C-\><C-n> is working as (I'd) exepected, but not from a Vimscript. I am trying to make a script that will: open Neovim's :terminal run a python script exit from the terminal input mode ...
3 votes
2 answers

Passing a # character to the shell in vimscript?

In my previous question, I passed an argument into a Vimscript function and concatenated it into the command line. This works great, but when you pass a string that contains the # character, it balks ...
4 votes
2 answers

Can I run -c in batch mode (without opening the curses display)?

I find myself performing a small shell loop (involving vim) to transform files into the correct line endings for my system. It looks as follows: for i in *; do vim -c 'set ff=dos' -c 'wq' $i; done ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove lines matching pattern in all files changed in one editing session?

I'm trying to create function and a mapping to insert/remove breakpoints in python code. So far I got this function! AddBreakPoint() let l:line = line('.') let l:indentChar = ' ' call ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is is possible to change the order of the argument list?

When I have multiple files in the argument list, can I rearrange the order of the list? For example :args [] is there a command/series of commands that gives me :args ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to add a file to the argument list with in netrw?

I am a heavy user of the argument list and I always have the files which are important for my current task in it. Now I started to use netrw more often to search through the files system. But I can't ...