Linked Questions

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Can using too many abbreviations slow down vim?

Recently I started using the iabbr to the best of my abilities. While editing a file I may have sourced as many as 500 abbreviations. I have also noticed that my vim is slowing down recently. The ...
caffeinemachine's user avatar
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Strange characters appear after leaving insert mode on Windows

I use Vim v7.4 on a Windows laptop. Recently, I copied my .vimrc from a Mac, only to find that every time I leave insert mode, a sequence of strange characters will appear: These characters (right ...
nightire's user avatar
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How do I restore visual mode selection highlighting?

Somehow, over the last few days, the visual mode in Vim no longer flips the background highlight, as it used to. Now, if the file is recognized by something it can syntax highlight, it seems to ...
huntmaster's user avatar
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use comma as leader but keep comma's original functionality as <leader>, (i.e., two commas)

I use a comma as my leader key. I would like to be able to press the comma twice rapidly (i.e., <leader>,) to achieve the native functionality of the comma (i.e., jump back after f/F and ;). To ...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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Why does Rename fails with Python files if there is no trailing space?

:Rename (from vim-rename) fails with Python files in my current set up with the following error: line 46: E486: Pattern not found: \s\+$ if the file does not contain trailing whitespaces in at ...
user2891462's user avatar
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Slow startup time unrelated to plugins

When I open vim (or gvim) on MacOS X, the window opens immediately, but there is a pause of about a second before the cursor appears. I've profiled my plugins, but their startup times don't account ...
Jonah's user avatar
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Vim slows down with multiple buffers etc

I think noticing a slow redrawing and slow cursor movement on a fastest PC, is one of the popular frustrations with Vim. Here I am as a yet another instance. I have a fresh installation of VIM, with ...
Loves Probability's user avatar
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Adjust syntax highlighting for region included with syn-include?

I have a terminal color scheme that makes the default highlighting settings for diffs relatively hard to read. To address this, I’ve added my own custom settings inside of ~/.vim/after/syntax/diff.vim:...
Alexis King's user avatar
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# key causing delay in Neovim

Whenever I input # in Neovim I get delay. I tried to fix this with nnoremap # <nop> vnoremap # <nop> In my init.vim but that seemed to only fix it in non .tex environments. I assume this ...
Maths Wizzard's user avatar
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First new line in multi-line vim commands has broken highlighting

In my init.vim I have the following command: nnoremap <Leader>s :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") \ . "> fg<&...
user31224's user avatar
3 votes
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Wrong abbreviation expansion

I have these abbreviations in my .vimrc: iab seq sequent iab seqs sequents seqs expands to sequents i seq sequent in a tex file (I have installed vim-latex). In an empty buffer seqs expands ...
Romas's user avatar
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Delay When Closing `:terminal` Window

Long story, short.... Everything's fine on my MacBook, but I have an issue in Neovim 0.9.1 on Windows 10. I see this behavior when starting nvim from the usual shells - Command Prompt (cmd.exe), ...
Phil R's user avatar
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neovim: vim.fn is nil

I have a lua plugins script defining local fn = vim.fn. A couple of lines later it defines local install_path = fn.stdpath('data'). This script is called from my init.vim by lua require('plugins'). ...
Jonathan Scholbach's user avatar
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:Telescope commands throw error

My environment: OS: OSX 11.6 BigSur nvim: 0.6 I had never used vim telescope before, so this is my first encounter with it. I followed the instructions of installing telescope.nvim and plenary.nvim....
Mopparthy Ravindranath's user avatar
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^O (Ctrl+O) works slowly

In my system, <C-o> works really slowly compared to <C-i> or <C-p>. Is it just my experience or is there a subtle reason behind it? Is this in any way related to ttimeoutlen? I saw ...
Cyriac Antony's user avatar

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