I am very used to the shell autocompletion, which uses the <tab> character. Therefore I tried to build something similar into my .vimrc. I'm aware of the super popular YCM plugin but let's face this as an exercise in learning.

I have built the following piece of vimscript to: first, allow me to use different types of <c-x> completions by changing a variable; second, do not fire a completion if the cursor is not after a cword character.

let g:tab_completion_keys = "\<c-x>\<c-p>"
function! TabCompletion1()
  let l:char = matchstr(getline('.'), '\%' . col('.') . 'c.')
  if l:char =~# '\k'
    execute "normal! a" . g:tab_completion_keys . "\<esc>"
    execute "normal! a\<tab>\<esc>"
inoremap <tab> <esc>:call TabCompletion1()<cr>a

The problem is that I cannot leave normal! in insert-mode. i.e. I cannot enter insert-mode in normal! and finish the command without exiting the insert-mode. Thanks to that, the code above opens the completion list and always selects the first completion, because I leave the insert mode.

How can I make an insert-mode mapping that leaves me in insert-mode for some time (to select one word from the completion list) and then continues the mapping?

Or, maybe, there is a better way to deal with exe normal!?

  • 1
    Didn't you try supertab plugin?
    – SibiCoder
    Commented Jul 16, 2016 at 4:03
  • 4
    I second the recommendation for supertab. To answer your question: see :h :map-<expr>. Most imap maps are easier to write with <expr>. Commented Jul 16, 2016 at 4:16
  • 1
    Take a look at how VimCompletesMe does that.
    – romainl
    Commented Jul 16, 2016 at 7:43
  • @SatoKatsura - Yup :h map-<expr> clarified a lot of things for me. Thanks
    – grochmal
    Commented Jul 16, 2016 at 16:02

1 Answer 1


Just like Sato Katsura said, this is a job for the map modifier <expr>. With <expr> you can return the key combination from the function. The final code looks as this:

let g:tab_completion_keys = "\<c-x>\<c-p>"
function! TabCompletion()
  let l:col = max([col('.')-1, 1])
  let l:char = matchstr(getline('.'), '\%' . l:col . 'c.')
  if l:char =~# '\k'
    return g:tab_completion_keys
    return "\<tab>"
inoremap <expr> <tab> TabCompletion()

In practice it is much better to use a full plugin. I am now using supertab suggested by SibiCoder.

supertab has many more configuration options than the code above, including: defined patterns for which no completion shall be attempted, different completion contexts based on the text around the cursor and even an option to use a different key than <tab>.

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