Using Kana Natsuno's textobj-user: install textobj-user, then put the following in a file textobj-comment-lines/plugin/textobj/comment_lines.vim
if exists('g:loaded_textobj_comment_lines')
let g:loaded_textobj_comment_lines = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
call textobj#user#plugin('commentlines', {
\ '-': {
\ 'select-a': "a#", '*select-a-function*': 'CommentLinesSelectA',
\ 'select-i': "i#", '*select-i-function*': 'CommentLinesSelectI'
\ }
\ })
function! CommentLinesSelectA() " {{{1
if getline(line('.')) !~# '\m^#.*\S'
return 0
let head_pos = search('\m\%(\%^\|^\n\|^[^#].*\n\|^#\s*\n\)\zs#.*\S', 'cbnW')
let tail_pos = search('\m\%#.*\n\%(^#.*\S.*\n\)*\%(^#\s*\n\)*\zs\%(^#\s*\n\)', 'cnW')
if tail_pos > 0
if getline(tail_pos) !~# '\m^#'
let tail_pos -= 1
let tail_pos = search('\m^#.*\S.*\n\ze\%(\%$\|^\n\|^[^#].*\n\|^#\s*\n\)', 'cnW')
return ['V', [0, head_pos, 1, 0], [0, tail_pos, 1, 0]]
endfunction " }}}1
function! CommentLinesSelectI() " {{{1
if getline(line('.')) !~# '\m^#.*\S'
return 0
let head_pos = search('\m\%(\%^\|^\n\|^[^#].*\n\|^#\s*\n\)\zs#.*\S', 'cbnW')
let tail_pos = search('\m^#.*\S.*\n\ze\%(\%$\|^\n\|^[^#].*\n\|^#\s*\n\)', 'cnW')
if !tail_pos
let tail_pos = line('$')
return ['V', [0, head_pos, 1, 0], [0, tail_pos, 1, 0]]
endfunction " }}}1
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 fdm=marker:
This adds two mappings, vi# and va#, and the first one does what you want. The gist is the regexp searches, the rest is mostly boilerplate.
The comments are hard-coded to #
anchored at the beginning of line. Dealing with other kinds of comments (f.i. /*
... */
) would be possible, but not trivial. You can, of course, refine this in many ways.
Reference: textobj-user user manual.
option. It uses nroff macros which I'm not familiar with. I tried to mess with it a bit but never got working solution. Still, I feel that there might be a way to do it with this.textobj-user
plugin below. For what its worth.'paragraphs'
option does not allow you to arbitrarily define different types of "paragraph" by using nroff macros. It's an incredibly outdated option that allows you to change which nroff macro strings count as paragraph breaks when editing a file that already contains them. i.e. It's intended to make editing nroff files easier, not as a general purpose paragraph customization tool.