I want to align my statements around a particular word or token.


import React          from 'react';
import { browserHistory, Router, Route } from 'react-router';
import Main           from './components/main';

In this case, I want my statements to be aligned around from word.

Like this

import React                             from 'react';
import { browserHistory, Router, Route } from 'react-router';
import Main                              from './components/main';

I have installed a plugin called tabular but I don't know how to align around a word. I can align around = or any other token but not around a word.

  • 4
    You should also see vim-easy-align. It provides an operator for aligning, which makes it possible to align using motions and text objects as targets. It also provides a live and interactive align operation which shows how the alignment will look for the provided options in realtime, LiveEasyAlign. Jun 6, 2016 at 12:41

1 Answer 1


The Tabular plugin works with regular expressions. So, you can give a word or a pattern, not just a single character.

:Tabularize /from/

will align in the way you wanted.

You can find a great tutorial about Tabular on Vimcasts.

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