Use this function.
Select two lines, then :TimeDifference
it'll generate the third.**
4 hrs 30 min 25 sec
Inspired from @Jair López code
"" line1 is the line number the first timestamp is on.
" line2 is the line number the second timestamp is on.
function! GetTimeDifference(line1,line2)
" Get line content and split it where ":" matches.
let l:t1List = split( getline(a:line1), ":" )
let l:t2List = split( getline(a:line2), ":" )
" Get the difference in seconds
let l:diffSec = abs( (l:t1List[0] * 3600 + l:t1List[1] * 60 + l:t1List[2]) -
\ (l:t2List[0] * 3600 + l:t2List[1] * 60 + l:t2List[2]) )
let l:sec=trunc(fmod(l:diffSec,60))
let l:min=trunc(fmod(l:diffSec,3600) / 60) " 60x60
let l:hrs=trunc(l:diffSec / 3600)
" Replace the line with the result.
call append(a:line2, printf("%.0f hrs %.0f min %.0f sec", l:hrs,l:min,l:sec))
" Delete the other one.
" execute a:line2 . "delete"
" Create a user-defined command.
command! -range TimeDifference :call GetTimeDifference(<line1>,<line2>)
TODO: make it work with a.m. / p.m.