For new files, Sublime Text changes the file name to the first line of the file:
Is it possible to achieve this on Vim?
I don't use Sublime Text, but something like this sounds like what you want:
function! SetFileNameToFirstLine()
silent execute "file ".fnameescape(getline(1))
let s:set_file_name_to_first_line_active = 0
function! ToggleSetFileNameToFirstLine()
if s:set_file_name_to_first_line_active
silent! augroup! SFNTFL
echo "SetFileNameToFirstLine disabled"
augroup SFNTFL
au! InsertLeave,CursorHold,CursorHoldI <buffer> call SetFileNameToFirstLine()
augroup END
call SetFileNameToFirstLine()
echo "SetFileNameToFirstLine enabled"
let s:set_file_name_to_first_line_active = !s:set_file_name_to_first_line_active
nnoremap <F9> :call ToggleSetFileNameToFirstLine()<CR>
F9 will start changing your filename to the first line. Hit it again to disable this behaviour. (You can make it default, but I really recommend against it...)