According to :help strpart(), the parameters start and len are bytes, not characters, so that enter image description here

returns a string of 2 characters, starting with the letter Beth. What I'd like to have is a function, that I can pass a hebrew (or any other multibyte character string) and not have byte semantics but character semantics, so that with the parameters 2 and 4 I am returned a four character string starting with the letter Gimmel.

Please excuse that I am posting a picture, but when I tried to copy paste my example, the left to right/right to left handling of the stackexchange-editor got into my way.

  • 1
    FWIW, :help string-functions and :help list-functions.
    – romainl
    Commented Oct 1, 2015 at 16:00

2 Answers 2


Something like this should work:

function! Strpartw(src, start, ...)
    return a:0 ?
        \ join(split(a:src, '.\zs')[a:start : (a:start + a:1 - 1)], '') :
        \ join(split(a:src, '.\zs')[a:start :], '')
  • This seems to work, indeed. I am a bit shocked, though, that vim doesn't have an internal command to do that. I mean, it's a text editor, is it not? Commented Oct 1, 2015 at 15:58
  • 2
    @RenéNyffenegger You can look at it like this: Vim runs on Commodore Amiga, BeOS, VMS, and ~10 other OSes; most of those systems don't even support multi-byte characters. ;) Or like this: the Vim project has started in 1991, basic support for UTF-8 was added in version 6, and functions dealing with wide characters have been added in version 7 (about 2010). Commented Oct 1, 2015 at 16:11
  • @RenéNyffenegger That has been discussed extensively on vim_dev. The problem is, there is no backward compatible way, so it's how it is. Commented Oct 1, 2015 at 19:15

In lh-vim-lib, I'm doing it this way:

if exists('*strcharpart')
  function! lh#encoding#strpart(mb_string, p, l)
    " If we want a narrow contract
    " call lh#assert#value(lh#encoding#strlen(a:mb_string)).is_ge(a:p+a:l)
    return strcharpart(a:mb_string, a:p, a:l)
  function! lh#encoding#strpart(mb_string, p, l)
    " If we want a narrow contract
    " call lh#assert#value(lh#encoding#strlen(a:mb_string)).is_ge(a:p+a:l)
    return matchstr(a:mb_string, '.\{,'.a:l.'}', 0, a:p+1)

The idea is that regex functions treat . as a character and not as a byte.

You'll also find a strlen() implementation and a at() function, but you should be able to do everything you wish with matchstr().

Note that since recent Vim versions, we can use strcharpart().

  • You should use '.\{,'.a:l.'}' (added comma), to make it work for "123", 0, 5 (i.e. where the length of mb_string is shorter than l).
    – blueyed
    Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 16:05
  • @blueyed. Indeed a strict compatibility with strpart() interface would require the function to work even when its user isn't using it properly. Personally, I prefer using narrow contracts and signalling programming errors instead of ignoring them: So far I don't see a valid scenario where I would provide a number of characters greater than length of the string. Commented Dec 29, 2016 at 11:31

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