I am trying to achieve the following :

  1. Having a set of predefined functions in my script
  2. Having a map of relation between the functions and their argument
  3. Calling the functions with their argument dynamically

Here is the code that I have :

function! s:A(a) abort
  return 'A'.a:a

function! s:B(b) abort
  return 'B'.a:b

let s:functions_map ={
      \ 'A': 'aa',
      \ 'B': 'bb'
      \ }

function! s:CallMap() abort
  for [l:key, l:value] in items(s:functions_map)
    let l:Current_function = function(l:key)
    echo l:Current_function(l:value)

command! Call call <SID>CallMap()

When I run Call I get the following message :

E700: Unknown function: A

Do you know where the issue could be coming from ?

Edit : I replace l:current_function by l:Current_function to solve another error that was not directly related to the problem.

2 Answers 2


You defined the function s:A, but tried to call function('A') - they are not the same: function A() doesn't exist. (:h E700 points directly to the function() call)

You'll probably have to use '<SID>A' in place of 'A' as key (same for B, of course).

Also, :h call() (with braces; not call) might help with the handling of the function arguments.

  • 2
    Right ! I replace my function creation with function('<SID>'.l:key) and it worked :) +1 for the call() it will replace my function creation.
    – nobe4
    Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 12:07

Adding another simple example to elaborate the previous solutions.

" -------------------------------------
" These are representative functions
function! Test0()
  echom "This is Test0"

function! Test1()
  echom "This is Test1"

function! Test2()
  echom "This is Test2"
" -------------------------------------
function! Test(func_name_str)
  echom "This is Test"
  " Note: function reference name should start with Captical letter
  " Create function reference
  let FuncRef = function(a:func_name_str)
  " Call the function using its reference
  call FuncRef()
" -------------------------------------

Source above code. And use it as below,

:call Test('Test0')
:call Test('Test1')

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