Yesterday I'm trying to make a doc command abbreviation for python.

The original command is normal 0i"""^M""", which works in command-line mode.
But failed when using alias doc defined by ca doc normal 0i"""^M""".

And later, I find I need to quit insert mode, do some movement, and then enter insert mode again.
The command normal 0i"""^[$a^M""" failed both in command-line mode and with alias.

How should I deal with ^M and ^[ in normal command alias,
and how should I manipulate insert mode quit and enter again action with normal command?

PS: The ^M and ^[ character was made by combining CTRL-V + Enter/Esc.

  • 1
    "Command mode" is a synonym for "normal mode". Did you mean "command-line mode"?
    – romainl
    Commented Sep 8, 2015 at 11:43
  • @romainl, yes, it should be command-line mode, I've edited the content.
    – ZengJuchen
    Commented Sep 8, 2015 at 12:24

1 Answer 1


And later, I find I need to quit insert mode, do some movement, and then ...

I'm not sure where you found that from, but it's the other way around - you should quit insert mode before ending a :normal command, otherwise :normal will cancel the last operation. From :h :normal:

{commands} should be a complete command.  If
{commands} does not finish a command, the last one
will be aborted as if <Esc> or <C-C> was typed.
This implies that an insert command must be completed
(to start Insert mode, see :startinsert).  A ":"
command must be completed as well.  And you can't use
"Q" or "gQ" to start Ex mode.

Now, your original command:

ca doc normal 0i"""^M"""

using an abbreviation instead of a proper command, ^M will be taken assumed to end the normal command (the way it would be if you'd actually typed it), and not be a part of it. Then you'd have to do:

ca doc normal 0i"""<cr>"""

Use the <cr> code available for maps and abbreviations. Though I think you'd be better off using a normal-mode map instead of using a command-mode one. Or use a proper command:

command! Doc normal 0i"""<cr>"""

Then you can use the :Doc command.

  • Excellent answer, is there such a mapping to Esc just as <cr> to Enter? Is there a vim help command that can view all such mappings?
    – ZengJuchen
    Commented Sep 14, 2015 at 9:14
  • 1
    @Zen indeed there is: <esc>. (See the first example in macro.txt.)
    – muru
    Commented Sep 14, 2015 at 9:16

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