I am running nVim v 0.10.1 on archlinux. Everything is up to date.

I am running this macro as defined in .vimrc:

let @k =  '\z:call CZC()'

But a carridge return is necesary to make this run, when I key @k so it becomes

let @k =  '\z:call CZC()^M'

This works but ^M executes two carridge returns

  • one run's the call function, and
  • one inserts a carridge return into my currently being edited text as a new line.

I only want one carridge return, that will execute @k not two. How can I add the carridge return at the end of the macro, to run the macro, without adding a new line to my text?


2 Answers 2


This happens because when you use :let @ to set a register, it detects whether the register should be made linewise based on whether the value ends in a <NL> or <CR>.

See this part of :help :let-@:

If the result of {expr1} ends in a <CR> or <NL>, the register will be linewise, otherwise it will be set to characterwise.

The ultimate side effect of making a register linewise is that a <NL> is appended at the end.

You can see that with the :reg k command:

:reg k
Type Name Content
  l  "k   \z:call CZC()^M^J

The ^J is the added <NL>.

One way around this is using setreg(), in which case you can explicitly set the register to be characterwise even though the contents end with <CR>:

call setreg('k', '\z:call CZC()^M', 'c')

Or, slightly better, using \r in a double quoted string, that way your file doesn't need to have special characters and is less likely to be corrupted:

call setreg('k', "\\z:call CZC()\r", 'c')

filbranden has done a great job of explaining what causes the issue.

An alternative to using his suggestion of using setreg() is to end your macro with a Ctrl-J instead of a CTRL-M. You can do this either by typing Ctrl-VCtrl-J to enter it literally*, or with a string escape:

let @k =  "\\z:call CZC()\<C-J>"

You can then see with :reg k that this doesn't cause the :let command to add the additional character:

:reg k
Type Name Content
  l  "k   \z:call CZC()^J

The CTRL-J will still cause your command-line command to be executed, though, as desired.

*: Note that this will be notated as ^@ in the command-line. See :help NL-used-for-Nul.

  • It seems that it doesn't work on Windows. Commented Sep 6 at 4:51
  • @VivianDeSmedt Hmm. It's working fine for me in Windows gVim. What version are you using? What exact behaviour do you see?
    – Rich
    Commented Sep 6 at 8:36
  • I'm using gVim 9.1 including patch 1-474. Commented Sep 6 at 8:50
  • @VivianDeSmedt Which bit doesn't work? Does the :let command not set the register correctly? Or is the ex command not run? Or is the behaviour of the macro wrong in some other way? Does using a literal CTRL-J instead of the escaped version behave differently?
    – Rich
    Commented Sep 6 at 12:13
  • the :let works fine. I have the ^J at the end of the register when using the :reg command but when I run the macro @k the ^J doesn't trigger the execution of the command and I have in the command line: :call CZC() waiting an Enter key stroke to be validated. Commented Sep 6 at 12:23

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