My LSP config works perfectly for the current buffer, but sometimes I just want to check the whole project and find all problems. I know that folke/trouble.nvim could show workspace diagnostics, but how to collect it in one command? My projects are using typescript

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    Commented May 6 at 9:39

2 Answers 2


Expounding on @artemave's answer, the workspace-diagnostics.nvim plugin sends the textDocument/didOpen events from neovim's LSP client to the language server for all files in the workspace. It does so by simply looping over each file in the workspace (via git ls-files, which doesn't seem like the most robust solution) and sending the command to the server. It is activated inside the on_attach callback inside the lspconfig setup() function for the corresponding language.

It is fully explained in the author's post.


This plugin should do the trick https://github.com/artemave/workspace-diagnostics.nvim


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