This solution somewhat a hack. From what I can find; better to open a ticket on Github.
Best would likely be some mapping on the popup. Have had a look at the codebase but can not find any option for it. It might be that coc-sh
should return some sort of URL property that then could be mapped. (The two-space indentation on the code also makes my eyes cry ;) )
Anyhow, one way is to create a function for it. This example is very simple in regards to error checks etc. Basically:
- Get popup list
- Grab first and get buffer for that one
- Get last line of that buffer (URL)
- Open the URL by what ever means one want.
- Create a mapping
Here mapping is to K
with open as popup. Both popup and term require w3m. Lynx and the like should work fine as well. Else one can use coc#ui#open_url
which defaults to system defaults like open
, xdg-open
and cmd /c start
. Can be set by g:coc_open_url_command
, or you could of course make your own.
"" Open URL by desired method.
function! s:open_url(url, method)
if a:method == 'popup'
let doc = system('w3m -dump ' .. a:url)->split('\n')
call popup_create(doc, #{
\ close: 'button', padding: [], title: a:url
\ })
elseif a:method == 'term'
exec 'term ++close w3m ' .. a:url
call coc#ui#open_url(a:url)
"" Extract URL from last line of popup.
function! s:open_shellcheckurl(method)
"" get a list of popup window IDs
let list = popup_list()
if list->len()
"" Get buffer number of first popup,
"" Get last line of that buffer
let url = list[0]->winbufnr()->getbufoneline('$')
"" Sanitize
let url = url->matchstr('https\?:\/\/[[:alnum:]%\/_#.-]*')
"" Open URL if not empty
if url != ''
call s:open_url(url, a:method)
"" Mapping
nnoremap K :call <SID>open_shellcheckurl('popup')<CR>
This require of course that the link is at last line of the popup. If there are more links, or not at last line etc. this could be fixed; but the basics of it should be the same.
Have not found any public variable or function to get the popup window-ID or buffer-number in the source code.
Addition: To make the identification of the popup window more safe one could do something like this. Instead of grabbing first popup, look for a popup at cursor position:
function! s:open_shellcheckurl(method)
"" Get position of current window
let win_pos = win_screenpos(0)
"" Add line / column to position
let pos = [winline() + win_pos[0], wincol() + win_pos[1]]
"" Get popup at that position
let win_id = popup_locate(pos[0], pos[1])
"" If any found, proceed
if win_id > 0
let url = win_id->winbufnr()->getbufoneline('$')
let url = url->matchstr('https\?:\/\/[[:alnum:]%\/_#.-]*')
if url != ''
call s:open_url(url, a:method)
Note that I tried with let pos = [screenrow(), screencol()]
but the numbers are off.