I would like to jump from method to method in Python. With Vim you can use the ]m combination to jump to the next method and the [m to the previous.

Since the ] is quite awkward to type on a Belgium keyboard. So I would like to use the repmo plugin to repeat the motion.

I successfully configured repmo to repeat the jump to the next cpp scope:

map <expr> ; repmo#LastKey(';')|sunmap ;
map <expr> , repmo#LastRevKey(',')|sunmap ,

" Still repeat fFtT (now with counts):
noremap <expr> f repmo#ZapKey('f')|sunmap f
noremap <expr> F repmo#ZapKey('F')|sunmap F
noremap <expr> t repmo#ZapKey('t')|sunmap t
noremap <expr> T repmo#ZapKey('T')|sunmap T

" Now following can also be repeated with `;` and `,`:
for keys in [ ['[[', ']]'], ['[]', ']['], ['[m', ']m'], ['[M', ']M'], ['[c', ']c'] ]
  execute 'noremap <expr> '.keys[0]." repmo#SelfKey('".keys[0]."', '".keys[1]."')|sunmap ".keys[0]
  execute 'noremap <expr> '.keys[1]." repmo#SelfKey('".keys[1]."', '".keys[0]."')|sunmap ".keys[1]

But it doesn't work for the python filetype.

I believe it has to do that there is a custom mapping for ]m in the python filetype.

Does someone knows how to achieve that?

  • 1
    Wrap all that in a function (autoloaded, ideally) and call it in after/ftplugin/<filetype>.vim.
    – romainl
    Commented Nov 25, 2023 at 12:59
  • 1
    Now if only somebody had written a plugin to take care of this exact use case ...
    – Friedrich
    Commented Jul 3 at 18:25
  • @Friedrich I will write an answer tomorrow ;-) Commented Jul 3 at 18:30
  • "Self-answers are encouraged on this site. You will be able to accept your own answer after 48 hours." :-)
    – Friedrich
    Commented Jul 3 at 18:34

1 Answer 1


This is not really an answer to the question but because I didn't found an easy way to configure repmo-vim to support buffer mappings set for specific filetype I have developed the vim-remotions plugin.

With the vim-remotions plugins the mappings are set at the buffer level when the filetype is set which solves the problem.

Here is a super minimal vim-remotions configuration to support ]m, [m motions:

  let g:remotions_motions = {
        \ 'TtFf' : {},
        \ 'method' : { 'backward' : '[m', 'forward' : ']m' },
        \ }

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