I'm looking for a minimal way to convert code that looks like this:

my_function(param1, param2=value2, param4=a_function_call())

into something like:


I'm sure there's a plugin that could work, but that seems pretty overkill for what can probably just be done with a function and a mapping, or possibly even just a clever regex. Also this often comes up in situations where I don't have a LSP/linter/formatter set up (like typing markdown snippets or in languages I don't use very often) so "just use formatting tool X" doesn't really cover the situations I care about. What if I've got some LaTeX citations in a similar format \cite{key1, key2, key3} and I want to get each key on a newline? I'd like something that doesn't care about the underlying language.

Some details:

  • Trailing whitespace should be removed,
  • Trailing commas should be added,
  • The solution should also work for function definitions:
def my_function(param1, param2=value2, param3=value3):

should become:

def my_function(
  • Indentation should be consistent regardless of the starting indentation:
    my_function(param1, param2=value2, param4=a_function_call())

should become:


Edit: To clarify a comment, I'm not interested in a solution that works for language X or language Y. I want something that solves the generic formatting problem of converting a list of elements all on one line (separated by a delimiter and surrounded by some sort of brackets) and converts it into a list of elements where each element is on a different line. This happens most frequently in code, but also in LaTeX, markdown, little bash scripts, etc, so I'm not interested in something that only works in one particular language.

  • 2
    That last trailing comma kills me :( How can this be valid then? In general I would just use something like this: :s/, /,\r\t/g |:s/)/\r&/ and fix the remaining stuff manually, as this may not be hundert percent correct for all edge cases Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 9:57
  • 1
    What did you try?
    – romainl
    Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 10:25
  • 1
    What did you try to solve your problem?
    – romainl
    Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 10:43
  • 2
    Could you tell us which language are you using? Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 12:44
  • 1
    Sorry @romainl I don't think I'm understanding you, here's what I think is the answer to your question but please clarify if I was wrong. I am hoping someone here who knows more about vim than I do can point to a clever way of solving my problem (kinda like what happened here: vi.stackexchange.com/q/43531/43462). The only solutions I can think of is to use a substitution (although I can't get this to fully work) or to record a macro (this has been pretty fragile and breaks often though). But I'm hoping there's someone smarter than myself who knows something that I don't.
    – beyarkay
    Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 12:57

4 Answers 4


A first start might be using tpope’s surround plugin to do cS(( to make the parens multi-line. Then you could attempt one of the substitutions like :substitute/, /,\r/g and clean up. But this last will fall apart as soon as one argument contains commas (say, f(g(a, b), c)).


You could be interested to the following: vim-argwrap plugin.

It provides an :ArgWrap command that seems to do exactly what you want.


If you're happy to install a plugin, you could try Andrew Radev's splitjoin.

It works with a wide range of languages, and you can configure new ones if necessary. By default it uses gS to split a single line into multiple ones, or gJ to go back again, but this too is configurable.


To solve this without a plugin, the following pure Vim solution relying on :substitute and = could be used. It's hard to provide a "works for all languages" solution as syntax differs between languages and there will also be the occasional edge case that breaks it.

Having said all that, here's:

:s/(\zs.*\ze)/\r&\r/|-1s/,\s*/,\r/g|normal j=g'.

The first :substitute command will put everything between the outer parenthesis on a line of its own. Due to the greediness of * it will also match inner parentheses.

The cursor will now be on the line with the closing parenthesis and we want to modify the line above, that's why we give a range of -1 to the second :substitute. It replaces each comma (optionally followed by whitespace) with a comma followed by a newline.

In a final step, go down one line to the closing parenthesis and use =g'. to filter all the lines up to the last change through =. This will indent the arguments, assuming it's setup correctly for the current filetype.

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