I am using :g/regex
to do global search and it always list --More--
So I need to click Enter or Space to see the full results, it takes too much time.
I found one way to achieve my goal is to redir
the result into a file then split
the file
nnormap mm :redir! > output.txt \|silent! execute 'g/regex' \| redir END \|vsplit output.txt
This cmd really worked but it need to create file and if I do mutiple different :g/regex
it will overide the previous results.
So I continue to improve and modify the cmd as:
:redir @a |silent! execute 'g/regex' | redir END |vsplit enew| put a
Remove the output.txt
instead of the reg @a
but still need to specify different reg
to store my search results.
I want to achieve an easy and efficently way to put the different serach results into different split windows
Such as do the First :g/regex1
then put the results into split window1
then do the Second :g/regex2
put the results into the split window2
Is there any way to achieve and how can I modify the cmd?