One thing I often do here is to add links to documentation when writing :he foo
, and I usually link to The problem is, that site's search is about slightly worse than the Stack Exchange sites' search., on the other hand, has excellent search functionality, searching the tags similar to the way Vim does.
What I'd like is a function which can convert something like :H magic
, that is:
- find the actual text of the help tag (
:he subst
can go to the help for:substitute
) - URL encode special characters in the tag (
, etc.) - copy the URL to the clipboard or some other register
- Bonus: if run without args, pick the argument I used for my last call to
, or the last tag I jumped to in the help.
I've come close:
function! Help2url (word)
python <<EOF
import vim
from urllib import quote_plus
topmatch = vim.eval ('taglist(a:word)[0]')
filename = topmatch['filename'].split ('/')[-1]
tag = quote_plus (topmatch['name'])
url = '{:s}.html#{:s}'.format (filename, tag)
This still needs to:
- use the help system's tags.
- copy to the clipboard
- work out the order that Vim uses.
The last point needs explaining. taglist('magic')
[{'cmd': '/*''magic''*', 'static': 0, 'name': '''magic''', 'kind': '', 'filename
': '/usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/options.txt'}, {'cmd': '/*''nomagic''*', 'static':
0, 'name': '''nomagic''', 'kind': '', 'filename': '/usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/opti
ons.txt'}, {'cmd': '/*\/magic*', 'static': 0, 'name': '/magic', 'kind': '', 'fil
ename': '/usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/pattern.txt'}, {'cmd': '/*:smagic*', 'static':
0, 'name': ':smagic', 'kind': '', 'filename': '/usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/change.
txt'}, {'cmd': '/*:snomagic*', 'static': 0, 'name': ':snomagic', 'kind': '', 'fi
lename': '/usr/share/vim/vim74/doc/change.txt'}]
The first match is 'magic'
, whereas :he magic
goes to /magic
. So, simply taking the first element of the list returned from taglist()
doesn't seem to cut it.
Solutions not using Python are welcome. I'm just more comfortable with it.