I am writing a vimscript function which should keep in a consistent state a "home made buffer manager". The idea is that I want to keep a trace of my buffers in the tabs they were open in.
This "buffer manager" simply is a dictionary which has the numbers of the tabs as keys and lists of buffers numbers as values.
To add the different buffers to this dictionary I created the following autocommand:
autocmd! BufEnter * call AddBufferToTab()
And then I have my function:
function! AddBufferToTab()
let newBufNr = bufnr("%")
" create an entry for the current tab if necessary
if !has_key(g:BuffersManager, tabpagenr())
let g:BuffersManager[tabpagenr()] = []
" Add the buffer to the tab
if buflisted(newBufNr) && index(g:BuffersManager[tabpagenr()], newBufNr) == -1
call add (g:BuffersManager[tabpagenr()],newBufNr)
When vim enters a buffer the function is called, an empty list is created if the tab wasn't already managed.
Then I test if the buffer is listed by :ls
with buflisted(newBufNr)
and if the buffer is already in the list of the tab.
It is important to note that the first test seems to work: I don't want to add buffers which are not listed by :ls
and when I open an help buffer for example, the buffer is not added
The function seems to work properly excepted for one use case:
When I open NERDTree with :NERDTree
or :NERDTreeToggle
the function doesn't seems to be executed (at least the debug echom
that I used never appeared) and the buffer still end added to the manager.
Note that when I add
echom "ADD " . bufnr("%") . " " . bufname("%") . " " . buflisted(bufnr("%"))
To the function the informations seems to be the good ones (the ones of the currently entered buffer).
I also checked that NERDTree buffer have their property buflisted
to 0.
I have been working on this problem for several days now and I really can't figure out what's happening.
TL;DR Why NERDTree buffers are added to the dictionary when the function is meant to ignore nobuflisted
NOTE If ones wants a big picture of the problem the function is a part of a plug-in I'm developing and which is available on github
NOTE 2 Of course if someone needs any additional information I'll gladly add them to this question, ask in the comments.
Additional information
I followed the comment of @VanLaser and splitted the if
condition and based my test also on the name of the buffer. I also added some debugging message, here is the function in "debugging state":
function! AddBufferToTab()
let newBufNr = bufnr("%")
" create an entry for the current tab if necessary
if !has_key(g:BuffersManager, tabpagenr())
let g:BuffersManager[tabpagenr()] = []
" Get conditions to add the tab
let isListed = buflisted(newBufNr)
let isAlreadyInManager = 1
if (index(g:BuffersManager[tabpagenr()], newBufNr) == -1)
let isAlreadyInManager = 0
let isNERDTreeBuffer = 0
if (bufname("%") =~ "NERD_Tree_")
let isNERDTreeBuffer = 1
" Debugging messages
echom bufname("%")
if (isListed)
echom "is Listed"
echom "is not Listed"
if (isAlreadyInManager)
echom "is AlreadyInManager"
echom "is not AlreadyInManager"
if (isNERDTreeBuffer)
echom "is NERDTreeBuffer"
echom "is not NERDTreeBuffer"
echom "========="
" Add the buffer to the tab
if isListed && !isAlreadyInManager && !isNERDTreeBuffer
call add (g:BuffersManager[tabpagenr()],newBufNr)
I am sure that I don't have a call to the add
function anywhere else than in this function.
I then followed this workflow:
- sourcing the file, the buffer manager is empty
:e %
(add the current file to the manager):e $MYVIMRC
- select the first file
in NERDTree.
And here is the log I had:
As you can see the opening of NerdTree doesn't seem to trigger the function (since I don't have any message about it in the log) BUT when I output the content of my dictionnary I get:
As I said I don't have any other call to add
in my whole file (I gave sooner in the post the link to the github repo if anyone wants to check).
I don't understand how the buffer can be added when it doesn't even trigger the function.
More infos to follow the investigations of @VanLaser in the comments (many thanks to him):
First, to quote :h ls
Each buffer has a unique number. That number will not change, so you can always go to a specific buffer with
:buffer N
orN CTRL-^
, where N is the buffer number.
So in theory if I get the number of the buffer I'm using it shouldn't change in the future.
Also I added the following lines at the very beginning of my function:
echom bufnr('%')
echom expand('<abuf>')
if bufnr('%') != expand('<abuf>')
echom "RETURN"
and with the same workflow I get the same results, also I checked that the buffer numbers was the good ones:
Here is the output of messages
The output of ls!
And finally the content of my dictionary:
As you can see it seems that the numbers are correctly returned, but once again NERDTree is launched but doesn't trigger the function.
More infos to follow the comments of @lcd047
I changed the autocommand to
autocmd! BufEnter * call AddBufferToTab(expand('<abuf>'))
The function prototype to
function! AddBufferToTab(bufNumber)
and I replaced let newBufNr = bufnr("%")
with let newBufNr = a:bufNumber
and the behavior gets even weirder:
I added after the assignation of newBufNr
the following debugging echos:
echom newBufNr
echom bufnr('%')
echom expand('<abuf>')
echom a:bufNumber
For every buffers they show the same number (so using <abuf>
in the autocommand doesn't make a difference in the cases I tried).
But it get even weirder because then every buffers appears as not listed: for a reason that I don't understand buflisted(expand('<abuf>'))
returns 0 for every buffers.
PS I'm sorry for the length of this post I'm just trying to give as much informations as possible because I really absolutely don't understand what's happening there.
. Do you get0
when do:echo buflisted(bufnr('%'))
inside the NerdTree buffer? You may also want to usehas_key(g:MyDic, newBufNr)
. See:h has_key
. Maybe it would be best to useexpand('<abuf>')
in your autocmd calls. See:h <abuf>
for nerdtree buffers is 0. Also I didn't know:ls!
but I get au
in front of those buffers, so know I'm really sure they are unlisted :-) Thanks for your other advices I'll definitely check them!if
in 2 parts, and assign those parts, each, to a variable, then you can check their values before the condition (if nonlisted && unmanaged ...
parameter: for now I've had problem only with NerdTree, but I'm not sure I will not have the same issue with another plugin and adding a condition for each case might be not very convenient. But if I don't find another solution that's probably what I'll do. Also yes when I'm debugging I split theif
I put it back together for the question.